Volume 13 Chapter 40 (1/2)

Book 13 Three Brothers - Chapter 40 – Fighting Head On

Translated by: Pue Peak Star, the uninhabited and nae nuhtening amount of Deathered here The level two or three Ierown very well behaved here None of theant

The First District, it was the district of Emperor level experts

At this moment, Qin Yu and his two brothers ith I the expression on Qin Yu and his brothers, I shi+ felt a bit of helplessness in his heart Immediately, he advised ”Brother Qin Yu, could you all please helpthe Divine Tribulation; he too would not want people to cause trouble here I know that you have desire for vengeance against that Emperor Yu and Mystic Emperor, but is it possible for you to settle those matters after my master finishes his Divine Tribulation?”

Qin Yu, Hou Fei and Hei Yu took a glance at each other The three brothers have already come to a decision

”It'll be too much of a disturbance to do it here, let's do it later” Qin Yu made his decision

Qin Yu also knew about when to advance and when to retreat Ast the several hundreds of Emperor level experts here, there were certainly over ten level nine Immortal Emperor level experts If they were to attack Emperor Yu and Mystic Emperor here, it would become very problematic

”Brother Qin Yu, thank you very much Granny Yin Hua has already coo ahead and meet Granny Yin Hua and theht of Granny Yin Hua's I have already prepared it for you all Well then… I'll be leaving first to receive E shi+ cupped his hands in appreciation before i shots such as Emperor Yu, Flame Emperor, Blood Devil E shi+ would personally receive

Song shi+, a personal disciple of the Cyan Emperor, was a level seven Immortal Emperor For him to personally receive theh face

”Sigh” Hou Fei curled his lips and scolded ”And here I was planning to use this opportunity to teach Emperor Yu and that Mystic Emperor a lesson It'll be hard for such an opportunity to co Dereehtly sether The experts here are from all over the Immortal, Devil and Demon Realm Even Great Ape E Demon Emperor wanted to attack us, he would still not dare to do it here”

”When ait till they separate… the Peng Demon Emperor's speed is too fast, he'll be very hard to handle Thus, if ere to encounter him then we'll just escape from him directly As for Eainst them instead” Qin Yu was currently very confident

With the increase in strength that Qin Yu and his brothers have attained, even if they weren't aDemon Emperor, they still have the means to escape with their lives Qin Yu did not believe that running aas a sign of incompetence On the contrary… he loved to watch the scene of others being unable to catch hiry

”Granny Yin Hua is looking over, let's go greet her” Said Qin Yu via voice transmission

Afterwards, Qin Yu and his brothers followed the bluestone path and walked toward Granny Yin Hua and Eth, he was capable of seeing through even a level nine Immortal Emperor

However, no h Granny Yin Hua

Granny Yin Hua's appearance was very a off a sense of closeness As for the level nine Demon Emperor, Emperor Ni, her appearance was very seductive At the sarandeur that come from the bones

”Granny Yin Hua, this Qin Yu's cultivation speed is truly fast Currently, even I ah some difficulty” Praised Emperor Ni

Granny Yin Hua smiled so hard that her eyes turned into a line She nodded and said ”He's pretty good However, this kid still has to strive harder”

”Granny, Senior Emperor Ni” Qin Yu finally arrived in front of Granny Yin Hua Ireeted theaze swept past Hou Fei and Hei Yu She kindly said ”Oh Qin Yu, those two young ht to be the two brothers that you've been seeking right?”

”That's right Granny, this is my second brother Hou Fei and this is my third brother Hei Yu” Qin Yu turned around to look toward Hou Fei and Hei Yu ”Fei Fei, Xiao Hei, greet Granny”

Hou Fei laughed and casually cupped his hand and said ”Junior Hou Fei greets Granny Yin Hua and Senior Ereets the two seniors” Hei Yu did not smile at all, instead he had an icy-cold appearance

Eown Fro flame As Emperor Ni looked at Hou Fei and Hei Yu, her eyes started to shi+ne ”Qin Yu, these two brothers of yours are pretty strong too Fiery Eyed Water Ape and a level seven De the Stick Techniques of the Monkey and Ape Clan, I reckon that his strength is comparable to that of a level nine I Demon Emperor to the utter extreme, I suspect he's also not someone ordinary”

”He's ordinary, ordinary Merely the third aa sound

”Truly a crafty monkey” Granny Yin Hua smiled and said

At thisand turned around…

E over side by side At the sahing with I shi+ And at this moment, Emperor Yu and his wife also noticed Qin Yu and his brothers A sharp cold gaze burst forth from Emperor Yu's eyes

Qin Yu's es toward me Furthermore, his hatred is deep to the bone”

”Fei Fei, Xiao Hei, let's go greet our good friend” Said Qin Yu with a s such, Hou Fei and Hei Yu also displayed an evil smile on their face

Qin Yu and his brothers walked side by side to Emperor Yu

The bluestone road was not wide It wasnext to each other, they completely occupied the road

Emperor Yu and the Mystic Emperor had stopped

Qin Yu and his two brothers as a group and Eroups stood approximately ten meters from each other To theible The people of the two groups were radiating an extremely sharp aura toward each other

”Qin Yu, you've become a level nine Ied slightly He discovered that he was only able to faintly sense Qin Yu's strength It was as if Qin Yu's soul realm's level was about the sauess so” Said Qin Yu as he looked at Emperor Yu

If Emperor Yu believed it to be such, Qin Yu would also not deny it

”How is that possible? Back then, on the Reef Yellow Star, you were only a level one Immortal Emperor and had only just opened the Ten Thousand Beast Atlas's third layer From then till now… it's been only several hundreds of years You…” E level nine Immortal Emperor level in less than a thousand years, it was truly a frightening matter

Qin YuHe decided to let Eination run wild As Emperor Yu's soul realm's level was about the sah Qin Yu's strength That was the reason why he made such a speculation

”Hey, you're Emperor Yu?” Hou Fei stared at Emperor Yu fiercely

”Fiery Eyed Water Ape, you're that Qin Yu's second brother 'Hou Fei?' That Hou Fei that ascended less than a thousand years ago? How could this be?!” Emperor Yu's pupils shrunk The current Emperor Yu's ? This Hou Fei only ascended less than a thousand years ago, how did he already reach level seven Demon Emperor? A level seven De the Battle Comprehension of the Monkey and Ape Clan, I suspect that when compared with me, he'll not be much inferior!”