Volume 15 Chapter 13 (1/2)

Volu the Heaven and Earth Apart - Chapter 13 – Asura Sea

Translated by: Pu Lan?” The gray clothed man frowned as he lanced at each other They then looked back at the gray clothed ray clothed man had already completely stunned them It was simply impossible for the Lan's disciple?” The gray clothed man frowned as he looked to Hou Fei ”You'd best not lie to h of relief in his heart ”It seereat naht MyLan I already have a ain to a newme with you” Hou Fei said in succession Hou Fei didn't wish to be separated from his brothers

Qin Yu and Hei Yu could only remain silent

”Haha, little ardless of whether you're Jiang Lan's disciple or not, I a you with me Even if you are his disciple, you do not know even a tiny bit of his skills What do you call that? If I were to help Jiang Lan teach his disciple, I believe he would also not have any disagreeray clothed man smiled openly

Hou Fei's expression had instantly turned bitter

Uncle Lan's remarkable abilities, it was true that Hou Fei didn't know any of therew somewhat impatient He immediately spoke out ”Senior, Hou Fei is my brother We three brothers have ascended to the Divine Realether Senior, ray clothed o as planned in this world Ever since this Hou Fei le Stick Strike, he was fated to becoes to achieve acco, I will naturally allow hiray clothed

Hou Fei's two eyeballs atery He was staring at the gray clothed ly However, no le word All he could do was to try to resist with his gaze

”What a fierce personality, I like it” The gray clothed htly smiled He then proceeded to walk towards theof the restaurant As for Hou Fei, his body started to involuntarily follow behind the gray clothed man

Qin Yu and Hei Yu wanted to chase after them However, there appeared to be a transparentthem in the front

”Senior, if ant to find Hou Fei, where do we go to find hiray clothed man had already flown out theAs for Hou Fei, he was also flying behind the gray clothed ray clothed htly so to the Asura Sea!”

After he finished those words, the gray clothed ht and shot toward the horizon Hou Fei also followed behind hiht had instantly arrived at the horizon and then disappeared

”Asura Sea, Asura Sea?” Qin Yu muttered to hi brother, the invisible obstruction in the surroundings have co brother, don't think too th was a lot stronger than us If he wanted to kill us, he could do that with a single intention Furthermore, he is that familiar with the Monkey and Ape Clan's Inherited Prohibited Area, he is most likely a senior fro harm to the Monkey”

Qin Yu also nodded

Hoould Qin Yu not understand this aspect? Thirty plus Heavenly Deities were unable to even ray clothed man Hoould such a powerful expert possibly come to deceive nobodies like them?

”From that man's tone of speech, it is evident that he knows Uncle Lan” Qin Yu sighed regretfully ”Earlier, I was only worried about Fei Fei and actually forgot to ask if that senior knohere Uncle Lan is”

”Big brother, don't think too much of it Let's leave the restaurant first” Hei Yu immediately followed behind Qin Yu and left the restaurant

Right when they walked down the stairs and then to the street outside, Qin Yu and Hei Yu i for them on the street

”Qin Yu, what happened earlier? Where's Hou Fei? Did anything happen to hi Yuan was located in the front of the restaurant However, that gray clothed h alocated in the back of the restaurant Thus, Xing Yuan did not see the scene of the gray clothedoff with Hou Fei

Qin Yu co That is a certain senior of Hou Fei He had come to find him for an i Yuan smiled an ashamed smile ”Qin Yu, earlier e came downstairs, we noticed that you all did not co th is too powerful so we didn't dare to go back upstairs either I hope you will not take offense”

Qin Yu s Yuan, Ito Sealfeel Village In the future, you also do not have to co, ould come and find you all After all, I know the address of your new house”

”Not returning? You're buying a house?” Said Xing Yuan with a puzzled expression

Hei Yu who stood beside Qin Yu spoke and said ”No, we'll be going out of the city”

”You're going to try to occupy a uessed in a low voice

Qin Yu shook his head and said s to find a quiet place and train Originally, the reason e cae was just so that we could fa the Divine Real coe of the jurisdiction of the Yuchi City

”Oh, in that case, when you all are training outside, be careful to not be discovered by bandits” Xing Yuan rehtly s Lan's Realm, what sort of bandit would be able to discover the Yuan and his family, Qin Yu and Hei Yu proceeded toward the East City Gate Following thea thousand miles eastward, this main street had turned into many s one of the s half of the distance of the s that there were no people either before or after the road, Qin Yu and Hei Yu disappeared