101 100th Chapter Special: Promises… (1/2)

At the end of another Saturday, I bring myself to relax at home under the warm glow of the fireplace. While everyone else is finishing their day, I get to enjoy wine and learn something by reading.

I haven't finished my chores yet, but taking half an hour for myself wouldn't hurt anybody.

Madelyn: ”Steven?”

She called out.

I turned to see her coming from the kitchen and figuring she might need something; I placed a wine bottle and a book on the coffee table. She was dressed in her nightwear, looking like she was ready for bed.

Steven: ”Oh… hey, Madelyn. You want me to leave so you can sleep?”

Madelyn: ”No, I was about to take a bath.”

Steven: ”Alright, then.”

Madelyn: ”Are you drinking today? You know there are better things to do.”

She points to the bottle.

Steven: ”I'm unwinding after a long day. Glass can't hurt especially since I've cut back a lot.”

Madelyn: ”Are you reading too? What's it about?”

Steven: ”I started reading about how our contracts work. I should at least try to understand what we have running through our bodies.”

Madelyn: ”That's neat, you learn anything?”

Steven: ”Not yet…”

Madelyn: ”How about that application for Omeo to be recognized as nobility?”

Steven: ”I haven't started it yet. I need a little more capital.”

Madelyn: ”Cool, we'll get there.”

Steven: ”Have you seen, Kanna?”

Madelyn: ”I have.”

Right on cue, Kanna enters dressed in her wine-red dress and green natural suede bodice. It was her favorite when she wanted to make an impression and her own sense of style that she knows I like.

Steven: ”Beautiful as always, Kanna.”

She sits right next to me and holds my hand.

Steven: ”Did you need something?”

Kanna: ”Kind of.”

Steven: ”Then?”

She looks to Madelyn, silently giving her a hint to give us some space.

Kanna: ”Can we talk?”

Steven: ”We're doing it right now.”

Kanna: ”I mean a serious one, with just the 2 of us.”


The air in the room suddenly became heavy!

Steven: ”Y-Yeah… is something wrong?”

Kanna: ”We've known each other for 11 months, and dating for 3 of those.”

Steven: ”That's right.”

Kanna: ”And we go on dates often.”

Steven: ”We do.”

Kanna: ”And if we're alone, it's never long enough.”

Steven: ”Right… what are you saying?”

Kanna: ”Has anything changed between us?”

I certainly felt a change.

Kanna has been more open about her feelings and I've done my best to do the same. We've spent more time and experienced new things together.

Am I doing something wrong?

Steven: ”…I do everything to make you happy. I cook your meals, I clean the house and I sometimes help Yuuna run the shop. Is it not enough?”

Steven: ”I'm sorry, but… what am I supposed to do as a boyfriend? I'm pretty sure it's to make you happy but—”

Kanna: ”All I want is to feel like I'm in a relationship. I want to help you cook, clean, and even run the shop. It hurts seeing you and Madelyn get home from the Academy tired and then doing everything around the house by yourselves. You guys are my friends; you're like family to me.”

Steven: ”I think of you as family too.”

Kanna: ”You know what I mean! I don't like feeling useless.”

Steven: ”Yeah… you know, you could always ask to help, Kanna. You've done it before.”

Kanna: ”I want to but you get so into it there's a wall that keeps me from getting close.”

A wall, huh?

I might be taking my duties too seriously.

I believed that I was making her happy, but it's like I've been doing the opposite.

Geez, relationships can be hard to figure out.

At the very least, I'm glad she came to me and talked about it. Since I know the problem, the solutions seems clear as day.

Steven: ”Hm, I guess that's that.”

Kanna: ”What is?”

Steven: ”I never thought about asking for your help, but if that's what you want then I'll start doing it tomorrow. Would that make you happy?”

Kanna: ”Yes…”

She smiles and kisses my cheek.

Kanna: ”…It does.”

Steven: ”Is that all you want to talk about?”

Kanna: ”For now.”

Now that she's here, I want to spend the rest of the evening with her. I wonder if she's up to go on a date tonight.

Steven: ”Are you going anywhere tonight?”

Kanna: ”No, why?”

Steven: ”I hear there's a couple's special at our favorite bakery. I think it'll be a good date, right?”

Kanna: ”Then you better put on your good suit.”

I got properly dressed before leaving. We held hands as we walked down the quiet street to the bakery.

Kanna: ”How do you feel? About us…”

Steven: ”About us? Like our relationship? I'm happy. How do I make you feel?”

Kanna: ”You make me happy… though, it wouldn't hurt if you relied on me a little more. But that's what you'll be doing tomorrow.”

Steven: ”Will it be enough?”

Kanna: ”I know it's a start.”

Steven: ”That's great.”

At the bakery, it was just the owner and a couple of others working the shift. I had hoped Jesse would be working here, I wanted to say hi.

We jumped into the short line and waited for our turn to order.

Steven: ”Good evening, sir. Jesse doesn't work these shifts anymore, does he?”

Owner: ”Jesse? He wanted to work fewer hours. Why? How do you know him?”

Steven: ”We go to his Academy.”

Owner: ”I see… Steven and Kanna, right? He told me about you. You're an odd couple, but he says if you're happy it shouldn't matter.”

Steven: ”What else has Jesse said about me?”

Owner: ”About how you were kidnapped. It's crazy.”

Steven: ”And now I'm back for the best cakes in this city…”

Owner: ”I'm honored to hear that, sir!”

We got to order and sat down together right after.

Steven: ”This bakery never gets old, huh?”

Kanna: ”I've been coming here since I was little.”

Steven: ”How little?”

Kanna: ”I was 7 years old when I came with mom.”

Steven: ”That's a long time ago!”

Kanna: ”I think that's 12 years ago.”

Steven: ”Does the same Baker own this place? He looks hella young.”

Kanna: ”Yeah, he used to be a writer from what I know.”

Steven: ”Heh. I guess they figured out he makes excellent synonym rolls.”

I chuckled.

Steven: ”Okay… that wasn't as good as I thought.”

Kanna: ”Steven?”

Steven: ”Yeah?”

Kanna: ”Can you tell me how you got the scar on your arm?”

Steven: ”Scar?”

My arm…

The scar from Meinu has almost healed fully. It'd probably be gone in another month. I've been forgetting it more often than I expected.

Steven: ”Huh… it's still there?”

Kanna: ”Can you tell me? You said you wanted to wait because it was still too early to talk about.”

Steven: ”Yeah… I know…”

Kanna: ”You don't want to talk about it?”

Steven: ”Yeah, I do… I think I've processed my feelings on it.”

So, I went ahead and told her everything. Everything that happened before and just after.

Steven: ”And then, after that… everything was just black and silent.”

Kanna: ”Were you scared?”

Steven: ”No, I didn't feel anything. Not a single, slightest emotion. I don't want to die, but I'd like to feel like that again.”

She fidgeted, not knowing what to say.

Steven: ”Sorry... do you want me to keep going?”

Kanna: ”Was it… was it Mei's fault?”

Steven: ”No, I don't blame her for what happened.”

If Madelyn was able to get me and Lilith to coexist, it should definitely be possible for Rayna and Kanna to do the same. Though, I'm not sure how I'd go about it.

Steven: ”I know how you feel about Rayna… and Mei… however, I wouldn't be here if it weren't for her. You might not want her in your life and that's fine for now, but at least forgive her, Kanna…”

Kanna: ”Do you love her?”

Steven: ”Why would you ask that?”

Kanna: ”Because Madelyn said you 2 were really close.”

Steven: ”She did?”

Kanna: ”Yeah.”

Steven: ”Well… I can't say I'm in love with her, but Madelyn isn't far off. Rayna is…”

I can't say I'm actively seeking a romantic relationship with Rayna. Maybe in 100 years I might when the age gap isn't so apparent.

But now?

How do I feel about Rayna?

Kanna: ”Can you describe her in 3 words?”

Steven: ”There's a lot of words…”

Kanna: ”List 3.”

Steven: ”Sensible. Devoted. Alluring.”

Kanna: ”Alluring?”

Steven: ”That's the best word I can think of.”

Kanna: ”Just how close is she to you then?”

Steven: ”I never told you about her past?”

Now that I think about it, wouldn't it be the future since Rayna's a time traveler?

Kanna: ”No.”

Steven: ”Well…”

I went ahead and told her Rayna's background and how much she's helped me so far.

Kanna: ”Oh… I didn't know she went through that. How come you never told me?”

Steven: ”Because it should be between me and her. It's personal and I would feel like I'm betraying her trust if I told everyone about it.”

Kanna: ”But… Do you know how much of it is true?”

Steven: ”I don't know how much of it is true but Twilight says there's no way you can fake a memory spell.”

Kanna: ”Can they say that for sure?”

Steven: ”Yeah, and they have ways to confirm it.”

Kanna: ”You wouldn't do anything with her, would you?”

Steven: ”No.”

Kanna: ”Is that the truth?”

Steven: ”Yes.”

I could feel her trust in me and she seems to be taking everything well but it wouldn't hurt if I reassured her.

Steven: ”If I really wanted to be with her, I would've chosen her over you and stayed in Elinila.”

Kanna: ”But you didn't.”

Steven: ”Because I love you.”

Blushing, her eyes drop to her slice of cake and smiles.

Kanna: ”I know you do.”

Steven: ”So, let's not worry about her or anyone else; it's just me and you. What do you want to do after this?”

Kanna: ”The first day of the Spring Festival started, let's go check it out.”