167 Episode 47: Mini-Phantasmal World (1/2)

”Yes. The number of missing people and victims that got injured from the attack of the infected crazed people has risen. Due to that situation, we are deployed by the Magician Society to search for the cause and put a stop to it if possible,” I explained.

”We? You have a companion?”

”Ah, that's right. But Maple said she can't go with me for now since she has to fix her sword that got a little bit broken during our battles on closing a portal earlier.”


”Indeed. Perhaps you know her?”

”Never mind, I might be wrong. Anyway, I can only tell you that this mission can be easy or might put your lives in peril. I have even regretted the times when I remember all the lives that have lost when we faced this creature. So if things don't go on your way, don't bother finishing the mission. Running away is not a cowardly thing as it is proof that you are eager to fight again for another day.”

What she said is correct. What is the point of your battle if you died? It's not like you are forced to fight to the death. I just realized it and thinking back to my past actions, I am too reckless. Maybe because I am too gung-ho on the new things I am experiencing? No, I am just thirsty for adventure. Maybe changing my ways will allow me to avoid accidents from happening again?

”Do you want my advice in fighting against that abomination of a creature? I have fought toe to toe last time so I might be able to give you some hints on how to fight against it. Just don't follow most of it since we have different fighting styles. Wanna hear it?”

”There is no harm in me getting advice from the one who managed to seal the enemy that causes the disease so I will gladly listen.”


She surprised me again and this time, she brought me to another place. It has a similar structure to the Training Place that Blue usually invokes for me to use, of course, with the shards as the entrance fee.

”Welcome to my own Mini Phantasmal Reality, here, the time moves slowly so I can train you here and remember what you needed to do.”

”Mini-Phantasmal Reality? Similar to the Phantasmal Reality of Nekoyama-sama?”

”No, this one is on a mini scale though it has a similar structure, this place is just a room compared to Nekoyama's where you can call it another continent already. Also, this place of mine is for training. There is nothing much for me to do here except for the training part.”

”Shall we begin?”

I nod at her as a confirmation. She smiled and waved her hand in the air twice. Suddenly, a massive magic circle appeared. Instead of blue, it was bright red and it is blinking rapidly. Aside from that, it is emitting very strong mana fluctuations. So far, this is the strongest magic circle that appeared that I have seen so far.

”Come forth, Mephistopheles.”

Dark energy bursts out of the magic circle and the bright red color it emits before turns into blood-red color. The sparks that it releases earlier turned black. What's more, the magic circle's layers expanded.

”Confirming, summoning of a Devil Class familiar! Its tier is much higher than Inari-sama! Mephistopheles, the trickster!” Blue said as she scans the incoming summon.

It didn't take long for me to see what ”The Raven” has summoned. A man wearing a mask with two emotions, the sad and laughing mask appeared on the circle. He wears a black coat with some red line designs on the hems of his coat. He also wears a tall man's hat with a moon symbol attached to it. Around him is the black and red energy balls that I have no idea what is, currently revolving aimlessly like they are orbiting this man. He looks like he came from London's middle age time where Jack the Ripper was still famous.

”Ohya? What an unusual time for you to summon me out, Master. So where is the enemy?” Mephistopheles said as he hovers above the ground.

”Ha, good old friend, we are not going to battle, I just needed your ability to produce something here.”

”Oh, I see what you mean,” then, he turns in my direction and rubs his neck a bit, ”So are you the guy who seeks knowledge from our Master? You seem fine to me. I am Mephistopheles, Mephisto for short.”

”Kazuma Fukuyama.”

”Since Mephisto is finally here, then, we shall start the simulation, alright? Mephisto, if you please do so.”


Mephistopheles waved his hands around and dark energy gathered beneath his feet.