Chapter 556 (1/2)

”This feeling This feeling... ”

The bee sting stood in the same place, looking at her hands, with a look of surprise and excitement on her face.

His body, also gradually become tall, the skin has become his bondage, muscle directly pierced the skin, scarlet muscle fibers, exposed, but he did not feel the slightest pain.

Unlike the first person who was injected with Zhenzhi potion, the bee sting was injected with Zhenzhi potion.

Although the figure is twice as big as it was just now, and the body surface is covered with black spines and scales, but His whole body is still in the shape of a human, but the fingers of his hands have become sharp claws, and the hard material like armor has grown on his shoulders, knees and elbows.

It's not just the body that's getting stronger, but the breath that's enveloping him is also changing.

One side of the white robed people, looking at the change of the bee sting, crazy laugh.

”Ha ha, this is This is a success! ” The white robed man looked at the bee stinger blazing with excitement in his eyes, and said aloud: ”great miracle is coming at last!”

Bee sting's body, soared to more than three meters high, finally stopped down.

At the moment, the bee sting is like a soldier in full armor.

At different heights and with different bodies, we have gained unparalleled power. The whole person of bee sting is in a state of extreme excitement.

”Power Omnipotent, omniscient I have become the carrier of the will of the gods. ” The bee thorn looked around and continued, ”know it all, I've seen it, I've seen the future Seeing the past, seeing something hidden in the dark. ”

listening to the speech of the bee sting, Yun Hao, who was lying on the ventilation pipe, could not help but start to make complaints about it.

This NIMA How to inject a medicine of true knowledge, even the thinking becomes two?

The bee stings in the room seem to be able to detect Yun Hao's idea. They look up to the exit of the ventilation duct, and their scarlet eyes are staring at Yun Hao and Chen Jing lying at the mouth of the duct from bottom to top.

”I said, I know everything, I can do anything!” At the same time, the bee stabbed at the ventilation pipe.

”Be careful!” Chen Jing quickly pulls Yun Hao's head and quickly retreats for a distance.


The bee stings its scaly fists and penetrates the ventilation pipe directly.

”Found out!” Chen Jing's voice is very quick, but very calm, said to Yunhao: ”that monster's power is very strong, I'm not sure I can defeat it, go!”

However, the ventilation pipes are so narrow that people can't turn around at all. They can only climb back and forth to get out.

At this speed, how can you escape the attack of the bee sting?

Bee's hands, directly through the roof, the entire ventilation pipe will be torn down.

Yun Hao and Chen Jing, who are hiding in the ventilation pipe, fall directly from the broken pipe mouth into the room.