Chapter 1176 (1/2)

Yunhao and his party not only shocked the worshippers when they left the tomb mountain. After they left Mushan, they walked all the way to Baihe city. When they walked along the provincial road to the city, they also attracted a lot of onlookers.

Many people, with mobile phones, photographed them and sent them to the forum in Baihe city.

It was soon discussed in the forum.

”When the birds grow up, there will be any forest. What's the origin of these people? I haven't heard that there are any exhibitions in Baihe recently.”

”Is there a parade or a performance art?”

”I'm protesting against the Security Bureau and the Shinji order. Don't you think they're dressed like those powers, ancient warriors and so on?”

”Well, speaking of it How come there are so many special things in the ordinary daily life... ”

”Wait a minute, don't you think one of the women in that group is quite familiar...”

After these comments appeared on the forum, Zhou Mie quickly made a phone call to Yun Hao.

”Now, you've got a lot of attention.” Zhou Mie said.

Usually just want to keep a low profile of Yunhao, but now they want the world to know their existence.

”On purpose.”

”Being seen as a monkey.” Zhou Mie said.

”It doesn't matter.” Yun Hao said: ”ordinary people don't know. Don't the Security Bureau and the true knowledge mission know? Don't those other guwu families and sects who are still in a neutral attitude understand? ”

”Well, I see what you mean. After your downfall, do you want to come to me? My base is in Baihe city.” Asked Zhou Mie.

”If there's a chance.”


Zhou Mie hung up.

Yun Hao and his party continued to walk towards the city.

After entering the urban area, they attracted more and more attention.

Besides the visual impact brought by Yunhao, there is another unexpected reason Xiao Yi!

Before Xiao Yi was taken away by Xiao, Xiao Yi was a hot star. At the hottest time of his career, he was suddenly taken away by a mysterious man. The heat of this news has been very high up to now.

Now, Xiao Yiyi suddenly appeared, and he was still in the group. I can't help but those people were not curious.

Because of the existence of Xiao Yi, the news spread faster. Not only in Tianhe City, but also on the whole network, there are pictures and videos of Yunhao and a group of them. The discussion on major forums and communities is becoming more and more enthusiastic.

”That's Xiao Yi, isn't it?”

”Absolutely! I'm a fan of her. I can't be wrong! ”

”I disappeared some time ago. I thought I was taken away by someone, but now I suddenly appear again!”

”These people, in the end or what origin, or say what film and television companies, are engaged in publicity?”

”Look at the women around you, the long ones It seems more beautiful than one by one. ”