Chapter 1434 (1/2)

Every soul has its own uniqueness. It's not easy to use the art of reminiscence to pull the scattered soul back to the undeveloped body. It needs the user to have quite strong mental power.

If there is no great spiritual power, as a support, not only can not let the soul return to the body, but also may be affected by the soul assimilation, leading to their own soul, also can not return to the body.

The strength of the soul has something to do with the strength of the body.

If the soul of a giant like a whale has weight, it is much heavier than that of human beings. Therefore, it may be more difficult to resurrect these whales than to resurrect human beings.

It took Yunhao half a day to master the art of reincarnation, but he hasn't used it in a real sense. Now it's a good choice to target these whales for the first time.

Yun Hao's hand was on the whale's forehead, but his eyes were blue. These light condenses into a pair of tangible hands, pulling the soul outside the corpse into the body.

This process is not easy and requires great mental strength.

If other people, it's estimated that they will be exhausted if they perform the art of reviving once.

But Yun Hao is different. His spiritual power has been praised by many people. The vast spiritual power is his greatest reliance!

”Go back!” Yunhao roared.

The huge soul of the whale was dragged back to its body by the hands shot from Yun Hao's eyes.

After the soul returns to the physical body, the flesh and spirit are united, and the rest is to recover the injury of the whale itself.

These whales have suffered severe injuries, and they have fatal injuries. Yun Hao swims to their wounds again, takes out the healing pill Xiao Zhen gave him, turns sea water into liquid, and injects the liquid into the wounds of the whales.

The medicinal properties of the healing pill can stimulate the metabolism of cells in the body, so as to speed up the recovery. It has its own effect not only on human beings, but also on other creatures.

Under the double effects of the art of soul reviving and elixir, a whale slowly wakes up. From its throat, it makes a whine, and slowly swims around Yunhao. He seems to know that Yunhao saved its life.

Whales also have their own spirituality. They know each other well.

Yun Hao reached out and touched the whale's head and said, ”get out of the way first. I want to see all your companions come back to life.”

The whale didn't get in the way here and soon swam to the side.

Yunhao repeated his old skill and saved all the remaining whales.

After finishing all this, even Yun Hao felt a little tired, and his brain became heavy, just like the feeling after staying up all night playing games in college years ago.

Flower surprise swim to Yunhao's side, pull him two people together back to the water.

After breaking away from the sea, Huajian immediately said, ”it's really all saved! Is the art of reincarnation so powerful? ”

”Stop talking nonsense Help me up quickly. I'm tired to death. ” Said Yun Hao.