84 Exaggerating a Bit C84 (1/2)
Now with serious expressions, all the teachers raised their hands, aiming at Shu Himo.
All of a sudden, the air felt to change, and Shu Himo's face became a serious one.
From behind Shu Himo, a spike suddenly came out from the ground, aiming at his back, but Shu Himo simply jumped high in the sky, dodging it, and erased the existence of the ground, eliminating the possibility of such sneak attacks.
With the existence of the ground erased, all the teachers fell toward the bottomless black void that can now be seen toward below; but just a moment later, the teachers began flying with a nonchalant expression as if something like making the ground disappear will not be enough to make them worry.
Both the teachers and Shu Himo are now staring each other, trying to predict the next move of their opponent, but what the teachers did not know is that Shu Himo is already making his move.
While nothing seemed to change, a new substance is replacing the air around the teachers, a substance that may as well be called a weapon of mass destruction.
That substance is Sarin, a highly toxic compound. Sarin is a colorless and odorless poison originally created as a pesticide; it is able to kill a human via suffocation due to lung muscle paralysis in less than ten minutes, even in low concentrations. Even absorbing a non-lethal dose is able to create permanent damage to the body.
A moment later, some teachers inhaled it but ultimately it did not have any effect.
Noticing that the teachers are not having any reactions, Shu Himo is disappointed, 'It seems that the poisons from my old world are too weak to work on cultivators.'
[The Humans created those substances to kill a regular mortal, it's reasonable that it would not work.]
'I see…'
Meanwhile, the teachers seeing that Shu Himo is not moving at all decided to act first instead and promptly organized a coordinated attack.
Suddenly, Shu Himo found himself in a completely different area, he now returned to the metallic gray room he was before starting the test! Not having time to ponder about what to do, the inside of the room suddenly morphed, and from every wall tens of spikes appeared, all aiming toward Shu Himo.
Smirking, Shu Himo clapped his hands, and everything around him shattered, becoming a mere stack of dust, falling toward the ground. Now free once again, Shu Himo did not have time to think because he abruptly noticed forty swords flying toward him, and not knowing if they are real or generated by the illusion, he used a stacked [Hopper_x3] to dodge toward the right, avoiding them.
Surprisingly, the swords turned around and continued to chase Shu Himo, threatening to cut him but Shu Himo just created an enormous rock in their path, slowing them down for a couple seconds.
[Why it the User trying to drag out the fight?]
'Eh? The voice earlier said that the objective is to survive longer possible.'
[But if the User beat the teachers, there will be nothing to limit the survival time… why does the User always do everything weirdly?]
[Did the User seriously just realized that?]