Chapter 9 Part1 (1/2)
hello!Happy weekend again“I a but accurate a reflection of the early interactions between Shang Guan Jing and Feng Jin, and the latter should really reflect on his deceitTrue to character, he can still reiveness but I thought his ; especially when it does not help Shang Guan Jing to forgive himHa!There are 2-4 more post before the story ends so lets see how the last arch wraps up…
Chapter 9 (1)
Five days later
In the dusky wilderness, 3 horses speed past a stone forest when suddenly, the first horse veers off track as its rider sways haphazardly on its backThe horse jerks to a stop and its rider collapses on its mane As she jerks back from the rebound, she would have fallen off the horse if not for the second rider who has rode up and catches her The second man is dressed in all white, which is a complete contrast to his current mood As he plucks her unceremoniously off the horse, he barks at the third rider ”We will caht!”
Yan Ying nods and starts tending to the horses Five days ago, he has forsaken the shadows for the light (literally) so that he can protect his master and poor mistress more effectively as they journey to the Western SeasThe journey is long and silent but only an idiot can miss the stormy undercurrents between the other 2 travelers Whenever possible, he would steer as far as possible from the couple as he can
Shang Guan Jing was severely injured during the fight in the forest and has not recovered froht, she should be bedridden had it not been for her insistence to return to Yu Ling Peak with uprass patch in front of so up in her throat Physically, she is very frail but she knows that it is herdown Her o, and she dares not think too deeply to ill happen next, nor analyze what has passed least she finds more evidence to show that she is even more stupid than she already is
She ss hard to keep the blood down and when she has controlled the urge to vo on an outstretched hand in front of her Wordlessly, she takes the pill and ss the 'Dragon's blood' before crossing her legs to iven a lot to turn down the pill but she is in a hurry and can ill-afford to cause further delay when she is in no shape to travel
Despite her ood stuff and is what that has kept her going After half an hour ofis back to nor in front of her and for a fleeting second when she looks into his eyes, she thought she saw soer on his eyes for long and turns her face away
In the distance, peals of thunder ru this?”
Feng Jin lights up at the first words she has spoken to hi what?”
Why had he let her leave Nan Man, only to follow closely behind?
Why was he angry at her insistence to leave, only to be so concerned about her health?
Or why did he tralue when she wanted an out?
Shang Guan Jing does not dare think too much and shakes her head Her distant attitude irks our dear Master Feng and the sound of thunder grows closer and louder He knows that she is referring to his concern - which she still dare question when she has been equally dishonest with hi woed him!
”H you? Since you are so set on leaving, does itht and sarcastic but his hands under his sleeves are clenched tightly which hinted that he is not as cool as he sounds ”If you want to leave, leave by allI what I need to do when you passed me the token”
When this finally got her to look at hi Zhu to your teacher's ancestor and given the circunore the un Zhu, it is my responsibility to take care of the matter Can I wash my hands off the matter even if I wanted to? Do I have a choice?”
When she gapes as if shocked, he panics and shots off his head ”I have sent so peak and she should be back within the next 2 days You need not push yourself so hard if your body cannot keep up Afterall, this is no longer your business and unlike me, someone can choose to wash her hands off this matter once she has thrust the token to me Isn't it so, Ms I-have-accomplished-my-mission?”
Shang Guan Jing is not feeling well and cannot really absorb all that he is saying But the words 'responsibility' and 'choice' ring heavily in her mind As she looks at his face covered with pink patches, it occurs to her that the patches will soon deepen into a dark red and ain He will continue to bleed on every full ht and at that time, where would she be? Who will be there with him?
She mutters the first words that come to mind ”Once this is over, you should write a divorce letter for me…”
A crack of lightening blasts through the heavens and lands in a sport not far from where she is It hit a boulder which splintered into sand and dust Feng Jin is so angry that he is visibly shaking His eyes gleaht and he stares so hard at her that he hs ”There is no need to be so troublesome to settle our score The solution is really easy”
She does not understand and feels another chocked feeling of blood rising up her throat As she fights the urge to cough out blood again, she hears hiine If I erase your memories and ?”
It becah hih… and cough, and cough Her face turns a dull red from and pretty soon, her lips and chin are covered in wisps of blood As she closes her eyes at the disco face of the ret in his eyes
Alas, even if he is powerful, his ic cannot let him eat his words, damn…
Scum, Scum, Scum!
He does not know if he is scolding her or himself but who cares? Scum!
The night of ca outside the stone forest is destined to be a sleepless one His wife is giving him the cold shoulder and as much as he would rather she hit hiination He hates her indifference the s, that see with him
And she dare mention a letter of divorce! Double scum!