17 The Precipice Of Zhangu (1/2)

lin feng and jing yun were in han man's room, they were staring at han man and worriedly looking at his injuries.

”these injuries are very serious.” said lin feng while checking han man's injuries. although cultivators had a higher natural healing ability than other people, his injuries were very serious. it seemed like every part of his body had been damaged from his broken bones to internal injuries inflicted on his organs. it would be impossible for him to recover without any assistance.

”no problem, my life has always been tough. i won't die so easily.” said han man with an optimistic smile.

”what about your cultivation?” said lin feng staring at him. han man dodged lin feng's glance. he couldn't look at lin feng's eyes. that's right, even though he wasn't going to die, his cultivation was damaged and without proper care he would eventually turn into a cripple, with less strength than even an ordinary person.

”lin feng, let's go to the black wind mountain kill some ferocious beasts to get some items to exchange against immortal pills to heal han man.” said jing yun. han man was just another disciple of the sect and there were a great number of disciples to replace him. if you were not an elite disciple, the sect would eventually only provide you with basic accommodation. if you had rendered a great service to the sect or if you had an extraordinary strength then they would make you join the elite disciples. those who showed rare capability on the path of cultivation became important and respected sect members. as ordinary disciples they couldn't count on the sect's help as far as han man was concerned, what would be the benefit for the sect to waste such precious materials to save a normal disciple?

”that wouldn't work, his injuries are too serious. even if an ordinary pill can cure him, the side effects will be too harsh on his damaged body” said lin feng shaking his head.

”what should we do then? is there another solution?” asked jing yun.

lin feng suddenly stood up, turned around and walked towards the door.

”i'm going to the precipice of the abyss. wait for me. i'll be back soon.” said lin feng calmly.

complete silence filled the room which lin feng had just left. jing yun shivered nervously clenching her fists.

han man was smiling. even though his face looked as if he was happily smiling you could see his eyes becoming moist.

the precipice of the abyss…

only a guy like lin feng could come up with such an idea…

only a guy like lin feng would dare to go there with his cultivation…

the precipice of the abyss was one of the most mysterious and sacred places of the yun hai sect. it was even more famous than the life or death arena.

there were not many people who engaged in battles in the life or death arena but every once in a while, there would be some. however there were extremely few people who went to the precipice of the abyss. those who dared to go there were those who were truly seeking either enlightenment or death. within the yun hai sect many disciples heard the name of the precipice of the abyss, but they had never laid eyes or heard stories from what was inside. it was too dangerous to even attempt to enter and those who did, never returned to tell the story.

everyone had heard that if you passed the test of the precipice of the abyss then the sect would acknowledge you and you would receive a priceless treasure. needless to say if you failed the test then the consequences would be disastrous.

on the top of the yun hai mountain, there was a mystical cave which was very difficult to reach for ordinary disciples. that cave was the passageway to the precipice of the abyss.

at that moment, lin feng was at the entrance leading to the cave.

”i, lin feng of the yun hai sect dare to challenge the precipice of the abyss!” shouted lin feng in front of the entrance.

his voice penetrated into the walls of the cave and didn't stop echoing for what seemed like an eternity. after a short time a voice replied, however this voice did not echo and seemed to arrive from inside the cave instantly.

”come in.”

”ok.” replied lin feng and immediately started walking inside the cave.

the passage was dark and there would be no light to be found this deep within the cave, but it was still possible to barely make out the surroundings. on both sides of the cave there were paintings and symbols drawn on the walls. he continued walking forwards and could already see part of the cave in which there was a small light. he immediately headed towards the light.

inside this part of the cave there was a bed made of stones, a single table and chair with a candle atop. it was a very rustic room. on the bed sat an old man wearing a black cloak. his eyes were closed and he wasn't moving at all, there were not even signs of breathing. after a long time the old man spoke.

”you want to go to the precipice of the abyss?” said the old man wearing the black cloak with his eyes still closed.

”yes, i do.” replied lin feng.

”and for what reason do you want to go there?”

”my friend has been injured. he has broken bones and his internal organs have been heavily injured too. i need the sect's support to save him from becoming a cripple. i need pills which can cure him without the side-effects.” replied lin feng unperturbed.

the old man wearing the black cloak opened his eyes. his expression was profound as if his stare was penetrating into lin feng's soul; it was as if he could see through him.

”if there was such an easy way to get pills then all disciples would attempt it, but you are only at the eighth qi layer. passing the exam of the precipice of the abyss will be extremely difficult… release your spirit so that i can see it.”

lin feng nodded. a small snake appeared but as the dark spirit appeared it instantly hid itself and was undetectable.

”what! really?” said the old man wearing the black cloak while frowning. even though he had a broad knowledge, he had never thought that such a spirit existed. it seemed like the snake was flying in the air but it was thin and looked weak. it did not look like a ferocious beast and instead looked weaker than a house pet.