20 The Unknown Force (1/2)

the sound of the drums from the precipice of zhangu had given an unprecedented shock to the members of the yun hai sect. each time they thought the beating sound of the drums would stop, another one was heard.

when the seventh drum sound was heard, the yun hai sect members quieted down. only the pure sound made from beating the drums was remaining in the total silence that had spread across the sect.

the entire yun hai sect was still in confusion but many had the feeling of good fortune arriving on the sect. it was as if the vibrations in the air and sound coming from those drums were the only things left in the universe. it was as if the entire yun hai sect and even the entire universe was enveloped by the power of those drums.

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nan gong ling was standing with his hands clasped behind his back. he was gazing into the distance towards the precipice of the abyss with an amazed look on his face. nan gong ling's robes were swinging in the gentle breeze that was blowing over the area. not a sound could be heard from him. everyone else who was standing around him, mo cang lan, mo xie, the yun hai sect's disciples, lin qian and even chu zhan peng were gazing into the distance. they had the feeling that on that mountain was a god beating his war drum to announce he had been born. a new god of war had descended.

inside the cave in the mountains, the old man wearing a black cloak had stood up and was looking at the overhanging cliff slightly surprised. he had a solemn and respectful facial expression.

the old man wearing the black cloak protected the precipice of the abyss, which was a sacred place for the yun hai sect. even though few people knew he existed, the patriarch of the sect nan gong ling, when he saw this elder he would bow out of respect.

the old man had seen that lin feng was only at the eighth qi layer and that his spirit was quite weak, so he had made him go through the passageway that led to the precipice with the hardest exam hoping that lin feng would be able to return in one piece once faced with the difficulties of the exam. he had never thought that considering the circumstances, a disciple of only eighth qi layer while using a weak snake spirit would be the first to successfully pass that exam.

what impressed the old man is that the beating sounds of the drums seemed to remain in the air for an extended time and the entire yun hai sect was consumed in that sound. the seventh beating sound of the drums had already been heard.

in the thousand year history of the yun han sect, such a miracle had never happened. nobody had ever managed to make the drums beat so many times and on top of that the sounds were never this profound.

the old man entered the passageway towards the precipice of zhangu. he was walking up the flight of stairs step by step with the same respectful and solemn expression on his face as before. it looked like he was expecting the eighth beating sound of the drums.

at that moment, the sword qi was still filling the atmosphere completely creating an unknown force, but now it was no longer disorganized. it was following lin feng's hand in which he was holding his long sword. lin feng at that moment looked invincible.

”the force of the sword, it can be found everywhere.” lin feng thought while smiling. these drums were intriguingly marvelous. there had to be enough power in each attack for the drums to produce a strong enough counterattack which could then be used to produce a beating sound. this is what lin feng was precisely doing at that moment. he was producing more powerful attacks to increase the sword force in the atmosphere to attack the drums so that they could produce beating sounds.

”i already made the drums beat seven times. let's make them beat one last time. that would be eight beats for eight drums. the last one has to be perfect and i'll pass the test of the precipice of zhangu. then i will have to thank that elder” said lin feng. at that moment lin feng thought that this actually was the easiest test on heaven mountain within the precipice of abyss and the elder really had been lenient with his request.

he held his long sword in his hand and the entire atmosphere was fusing with his sword and absorbing an incredible amount of energy.

”here come the drums!” shouted lin feng. the sword qi turned into a radiant light and the drums beat one last time.

”gooooooonnnnnnnngggg” the last drum emitted a sound which spread throughout the entire atmosphere of the yun hai sect to the point that the mountains were vibrating. the vibrating sound lasted for a while. lin feng's dark spirit which was behind him vanished from sight. triumphantly he sat down,with no power left he slumped his body across the floor.

”now i should be able to find some pills which will cure han man.” even though lin feng was exhausted, he had a big smile on his face.

a loud rumbling sound was suddenly heard. the large stone doors of the precipice opened. there was a silhouette to be seen inside the doorway. it was the old man wearing the black cloak who had pointed him to this trial.

seeing that it was the old man and remembering the familiar black cloak, lin feng while struggling he once again rose to his feet. he then said to the old man: ”elder, did i finally pass the test? will i be able to get the pills i need for my friend?”