84 The Real Threa (1/2)

the small blue bamboo snake slithered up onto wen ren yan's body until it finally sat atop his head. its blue eyes looked incredibly evil.

”lin feng, look into my eyes.”

wen ren yan was speaking loudly. lin feng was staring at wen ren yan's evil blue eyes. they looked like torrents of lightning. lin feng was so absorbed in wen ren yan's eyes that he was absent minded for a second.

wen ren yan had an evil smile on his face. he suddenly moved as fast as lightning and landed in front of lin feng in the blink of an eye. he thrust out his hand directly towards lin feng's head.

”how quick!”

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everybody was stupefied. not only did wen ren yan's eyes look really evil but he was also extremely quick and agile. when wen ren yan released his spirit, his entire body looked like a snake. looking directly into his eyes for even a few seconds could lead to your death.

”this looks bad.”

lin feng had been absent minded for only a brief moment and had quickly used his sword to block the attack. in the blink of an eye, an extremely powerful energy struck against lin feng's sword and sent him into the air. his soft sword was zigzagging in the air and it looked like he was going to fall heavily on the ground because of wen ren yan's attack.

”moonlight feather agility.”

lin feng's body started to twist in mid air and he managed to land steadily on both his feet.

wen ren yan didn't even try to come close to lin feng. he was still at the same place and said with an evil smile: ”you see the colossal difference? you may be a genius, but in front of me, you are nothing. if i want to play with you, i can play with you. even if i don't attack you, my speed alone would make it impossible for you to even touch a hair on my body.”

”as expected, lin feng is strong but the difference between wen ren yan is gigantic. lin feng is unable to even touch him. wen ren yan is way too powerful. even the second of the ranking list would be unable to compete with him.”

the crowd was convinced that lin feng couldn't do anything. wen ren yan's attacks almost couldn't be blocked. lin feng would quickly get discouraged and end up losing his life.

lin feng's eyes shrunk. he didn't dare look at wen ren yan's blue pupils again.

when wen ren yan released his spirit, his eyes were filled with an evil light. if you looked at them even for even a second, you could be paralyzed. lin feng hadn't forgotten what had happened just a moment ago.

what the blue bamboo beast spirit allowed wen ren yan to do was extremely frightening. it granted him incredible speed and the ability to paralyze an opponent.

it was a wonderful natural ability. some geniuses had such amazing spirits that they had a clear advantage over many people. wen ren yan was one of those people with an amazing spirit.

”celestial spirit.”

lin feng's cold look disappeared and was replaced by a pair of pitch black eyes which looked extremely evil. he gradually became aware of every single movement within the atmosphere as if the world was moving in slow motion. his brain was processing the data at an incredible speed.

his sword was diffusing an extremely powerful qi and sword force was gathering. the entire fighting stage was filled with the power from his sword. the smell of blood was still fresh on the fighting stage, however the sword was emanating an aura of death. it felt like whatever the sword attacked would be cursed to death.

”sword force, oh isn't that terrific?”

wen ren yan was smiling coldly. he was motionless and suddenly an extremely violent energy spread through the atmosphere and attacked lin feng. the energy was being released from wen ren yan's hand in an attempt to crush lin feng. this energy was so strong that it did not compare with wen ren yan's previous attack.

lin feng managed to break free while looking as agile as the wind.

the energy being released by wen ren yan's hand was shaking the atmosphere.

”pheing attack. his body moved like the wind, looking light and agile. it seemed like lin feng hadn't required any effort to dodge the attack.


the crowd was observing lin feng with the greatest attention. lin feng's body looked so graceful and agile. could it be that lin feng had learnt and practiced an agility technique to dodge attacks?

”what kind of agility technique could make him so quick and agile?”

”could it be that it's not an agility technique and that it's just an illusion?”

”if lin feng is able to create illusions, then that's really terrifying.”

many people in the crowd were talking about that move lin feng had just displayed. wen ren yan who was extremely quick and agile had suddenly been unable to reach lin feng. lin feng had been able to dodge his attacks very easily.

lin feng was effortlessly dodging attacks and moving with a calm look on his face. even though the move he had done a moment before looked like an agility technique, it wasn't one but his celestial spirit allowed him to move without wasted movements. his spirit made him omniscient and aware of everything surrounding him which enabled him to dodge to perfection. besides with his spirit unleashed, wen ren yan was moving in slow motion for him. lin feng also felt more relaxed which made it easy for him to dodge wen ren yan's attacks with a calm demeanor.

”get lost.” snorted lin feng.

lin feng's sword started glowing and he elegantly moved the sword through the air. the force diffused by the sword seemed like it could annihilate anything in its path. wen ren yan immediately jumped back to a safe distance and did not want to approach lin feng. they were both moving incredibly quick.

”how can you be so quick?” said wen ren yan, whose evil blue eyes were staring at lin feng in shock.

”i thought you wanted to play with me, why are you suddenly retreating? i thought i was nothing compared with you, what's wrong? why do you keep running away?”

lin feng's tone was ice cold. wen ren yan's blue pupils and lin feng's pitch black eyes both looked demonic but at that moment wen ren yan couldn't help but stare at lin feng's black eyes with a hint of fear.

”why have his eyes also changed? could it be that he has a spirit similar to mine?”

wen ren yan was wondering what was going on while looking at lin feng's eyes. he had noticed that lin feng's eyes had changed. they were ice cold a moment ago but now they seemed expressionless, lifeless and contained endless darkness. in wen ren yan's opinion, it could only be due to some sort of skill or a spirit. this would be the only thing which could explain lin feng's eye transformation.

”skill or spirit, it doesn't matter. i will kill you anyway.” wen ren yan thought that deep in his heart. he kept staring at lin feng and then said: ”lin feng, look into my eyes.”

wen ren yan's normal aggressive and cold look was mixed with his beast like eyes. this time when lin feng stared at wen ren yan's pupils nothing happened. his eyes still looked like two endless black holes.

”as expected, it is a skill. it's impossible to paralyze him.”

wen ren yan looked surprised. it seemed like his two blue eyes were going to be useless against lin feng.

”don't worry, i was just playing with you. since you seem so impatient to die, i will help you achieve your goal.”

wen ren yan raised his head. he held his hand out in front of him. his blue eyes were refracting the light around him. an ash-grey qi emerged from his palm. the qi was carrying a deathly stillness and the smell of death filled the entire arena.

the blue bamboo snake, apart from being extremely quick when dodging attacks, it was extremely venomous and touching it would be fatal. there was no cultivator who would risk the poison contained within the blue bamboo snake.

wen ren yan had used his spirit to practice demonic skills which allowed him to channel the poison of the blue bamboo snake.

the venom was as powerful as an average xuan level attack. it enabled qi to transform into a venomous qi. this type of attack was extremely powerful. it was also able to paralyze the opponent from pain. touching it would lead to death or immense suffering.

these kinds of skills were also extremely hard to practice. only extremely talented geniuses could learn such skills. besides, they required spirits which could be considered as rare and mysterious. for example, wen ren yan could learn such skills because he had a blue bamboo snake spirit. his spirit was a perfect combination for these types of skills which enabled him to carry out monstrously powerful attacks.