97 The Imperial City Of Xue Yue (1/2)

liu cang lan kept kowtowing and his head hit the ground of the fighting stage over and over again.

all of the troops watching this scene felt for their general. they felt powerless and hopeless in front of their general who was suffering so much.

the cavalry troops all felt very close to their general. if a soldier was attacked even if he was low ranked, liu cang lan wouldn't hesitate to protect them…

liu cang lan didn't kneel down in front of anything or anyone. he didn't even bow in front of the emperor but at this moment, he kowtowed more than he ever had in his entire life.

”the yun hai sect has given everything to me but i escaped. how shameless can i be?”

liu cang lan looked desperate which filled all the soldiers with emotion. they shouted in unison: ”general!”

a strong qi was released into the atmosphere and he raised his arm in preparation to cripple his own cultivation. the soldiers were staring at him and suddenly, there was no movement. liu cang lan was as motionless as the corpses surrounding him and there was complete silence in the gorge.


a cold and indifferent voice filled the entire gorge. when everybody heard the voice, they looked stupefied.

coward? was liu cang lan a coward?

”since you abandoned the yun hai sect, you also played a role in its destruction. you must pay with your life.”

these words made the soldiers extremely furious. lin feng was the person who had said those words to liu cang lan. since he had insulted liu cang lan, he had to die.


at that moment, an incredible force and qi moved straight towards lin feng's body.

the soldiers on the chi xie armored horses were releasing such a strong and powerful energy. lin feng felt completely oppressed and had the sensation his bones were going to explode. only these cavalry troops were able to release such a strong qi.

lin feng was almost collapsing under the weight of that qi but he remained calm as before looking at liu cang lan on the fighting stage of the life and death arena.

”you are already a walking corpse. duan tian lang achieved his aim long ago. no need to try and escape again. he just used you and doesn't need you anymore.”

all the soldiers were furious but liu cang lan raised his head and looked up at the top of the gorge.

”you are ready to die and your daughter, liu fei, can now become a member of the duan family. you don't need to worry about her.”

lin feng's words were like a sharp sword that cut into liu cang lan. liu cang lan was stunned. was his daughter liu fei going to marry duan han?!

”when you die, maybe all those that have died for the yun hai sect will be able to rest in peace because they will know that they have died for nothing. there was no hope for you.”

each and every single word that lin feng said was like a sharp sword. liu cang lan closed his eyes and slowly put his hand down.

that's right. liu cang lan had abandoned everything and everyone. could it be that liu fei was really going to become one of the duan's though? what was to be done if she married duan han? they had exterminated the yun hai sect… so who was left to protect liu fei?

when they saw that liu cang lan had put his hand down, the soldiers didn't feel angry at lin feng anymore. they were grateful because they understood that lin feng had been using these harsh words to stimulate liu cang lan to prevent him from crippling his own cultivation or even ending his own life.

good that lin feng was here, otherwise liu cang lan would have probably killed himself here.

but lin feng's words had been really harsh. each time, they had resonated in liu cang lan's heart and only increased his sorrow.

”take care of your general. the yun hai sect doesn't hate or blame him. protector bei was always worried about him. the wife of the former patriarch also respected and admired him. she also forgave him for everything that happened in the past. make sure that he remembers this.”

lin feng had stopped looking at liu cang lan and had walked towards the cavalry seated on the chi xie armored horses and while still holding meng qing's hand, he said these words to the soldiers.

a while after lin feng left, liu cang lan opened his eyes and a sharp and determined light flashed through them which made his army delighted. their general was back.

”everybody help me bury my fellow sect members. let's allow the dead to rest in peace. this is an order.”

liu cang lan's voice was calm but still firm.

”from today onwards, you have to guard the territory of the yun hai sect. without my permission, don't let anybody into its territory. if they try to enter by force, kill them without mercy.”

liu cang lan was strict with his commands. when he finished talking, everybody shouted in unison: ”at your command!”

liu cang lan looked expressionless. he climbed back up onto the top of the gorge and gazed into the distance as if he was looking for lin feng.


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at that moment, a soldier walked towards liu cang lan and stopped in front of him.

”what is it?” asked liu cang lan.

”general, that young man earlier told me to tell you that the yun hai sect doesn't blame or hate you. protector bei was worried about you every day and that the wife of the former patriarch forgave you for everything. she also admired and respected you at the end.”

liu cang lan was standing while speechless and motionless.

he raised his hand and looked at the sky. that powerful and battle hardened man… had tears flowing from his eyes.

”forgive this unworthy disciple…”


after a while liu cang lan took a deep breath and stopped crying. he could see a silhouette on the horizon.

”lin feng!”