372 Sword Of The Rising Sun (1/2)

”telling me to get lost was giving me face? act recklessly?” lin feng looked at the middle aged man while narrowing his eyes. immediately after, lin feng smiled coldly.

”is that so?” he slightly stepped forwards, as a sword energy emerged from lin feng's body.

”huh?” mister li looked at lin feng walking forward and sensed the cold energy which made him frown. he then said coldly: ”could it be that you want to battle?”

lin feng didn't say anything, he started walking forwards and in a flash, a rumbling noise spread through the atmosphere. the ground under their feet caved in. lin feng swiftly jumped through the air and released a colossal amount of sword energy.

then, dazzling flames started to unceasingly burn around his body.

”it's pure qi.” the crowd was astonished, xuan qi layer. lin feng was also a cultivator of the xuan qi layer like them, a moment before, he had tried to leave without taking a share in the vein of the earth, but surprisingly, some people foolishly tried to stop him and force him to abandon his items and told him to get lost.

feng ting's pupils shrank, her heart started pounding, lin feng was a cultivator of the xuan qi layer, she had surprisingly refused his request, besides, she had incited people to fight against him.

mister li frowned, he looked like he was going to explode, lin feng remained silent and immediately attacked him.

mister li released some pure qi and said coldly: ”you don't know how to distinguish good from bad, therefore i will teach you a lesson.” when he finished talking, he immediately jumped into the air and threw himself at lin feng. the man's hand zigzagged and a hook illusion appeared as it released a black light.

”sword.” shouted lin feng in a deep voice. pure qi started revolving in the air and a pure qi sword appeared in lin feng's hand, it was releasing a terrifying sword energy.

”sword of the rising sun!”

lin feng hadn't arrived at his opponent's side, but he was slowly starting his sword of the rising sun, it wasn't quick, that sword could even be described as slow but it was filled with vitality. just like the morning rising sun, it wasn't dazzling and extremely beautiful which caught people's eyes.

mister li smiled as if he found it amusing, what a ridiculous sword attack! it looks so slow, how could such a sword ever reach him, he just had to unleash a weak attack and the sword attack would disperse.

people in the crowd were also shaking their heads. both fighters had broken through to the xuan qi layer but lin feng must have only just broken through, his fighting power was still too weak, he probably wouldn't even be a match for mister li.

however, lin feng was still moving forwards.

that slow sword, just like the sun, was slowly rising into the air, it was becoming more and more resplendent, it was also growing brighter and brighter.

”die!” shouted mister li furiously. his hook-like hand moved forwards, it contained a deadly energy and it looked amazing.

however, that amazing hook, when it collided with lin feng's slow sword was completely swallowed and disappeared. the only thing left was the splendour of the sword which was magnificent. it looked so captivating, as if nothing else existed other than that dazzling magnificence.

”huh?” the crowd was a bit surprised. that sword was slow and calm, giving them a beautiful and serene impression but it was as if their eyes couldn't escape from it.

mister li frowned as well. immediately after, he moved backwards, however, he found out that even though he was moving back, the sword was still moving towards him and the distance separating him from the sword wasn't increasing at all.

that sword was still moving slowly and looked like an illusion, but it was closely following him and growing brighter and brighter.

that sword, was it a real sword or was it a sword skill? it seemed like it was constantly changing, it was also growing more and more powerful. the crowd was dumbstruck and immediately after, they realized that the dazzling sword was crashing into mister li's body, on his forehead there was a blood mark, and immediately after, he fell from the sky and his corpse crashed into the ground.

a cultivator of the xuan qi layer was just killed.

lin feng needed only one sword attack to kill him. he had demanded that lin feng give him his ring and to get lost, but in the end, lin feng killed him using only one sword attack. mister li's eyes were still filled with remorse for starting the conflict. he was a majestic cultivator of the xuan qi layer, being killed because of this, wasn't worth it.