485 Red Snow! (1/2)

”let's attack together and kill them all!”

han xue tian and mister chi were fighting, but luo xue launched a surprise attack against mister chi. but they had an army of over ten thousand supporting them, why would they be scared?

the people from the ice and snow mountain village were all terrified. mister chi hadn't died because lin feng had protected him. their plan had failed and now they had to face an army of furious chi xie troops.

a rumbling sounds spread through the air and the chi xie troops all released their deadly energy which caused the ground shake. the members of the ice and snow mountain village were suddenly terrified and their faces filled with panic.

”mister chi, go and have a rest! i can take care of those two!”

mister chi took a pill and started to recover. mister chi was an alchemist, if treated in time, his injuries wouldn't be of any danger to him.

”alright.” said mister chi, he didn't insist on helping lin feng. with lin feng's strength, he could easily cope with those two cultivators of the fourth xuan qi layer.

mister chi moved back and lin feng released his deadly energy which also contained strands of intent.

han xue tian and luo xue were surrounded by deadly energy which caused them to tremble. they quickly released some ice qi in the form of snowflakes which filled the atmosphere and held off the deadly energy. however, those snowflakes grew chaotic as the deadly energy started to overcome them.


lin feng took a step forwards and in a flash arrived in front of luo xue. he then brandished a deadly sword straight towards his opponent.

”ice and snow!” shouted luo xue abruptly. then, a stream of snowflakes condensed on lin feng's deadly sword and froze it in place.

”world of ice and snow!” shouted han xue tian at that moment while releasing a terrifyingly powerful ice energy. the entire atmosphere seemed like it had frozen solid.

extremely strong skills could alter vast landscapes, it wasn't a myth. lin feng's deadly energy could change the atmosphere into an air of death, ice and snow could freeze the atmosphere etc.

at that moment, even the sun couldn't make that ice melt.

besides, as the atmosphere became colder and colder, the people from the ice and snow mountain village would grow stronger and stronger because they used ice and snow skills. if the atmosphere was frozen, they were much stronger and thus more courageous. however, it was the opposite for their opponents, as the atmosphere became colder, the enemies of the ice and snow mountain village became weaker and were influenced by the drastic cold.

therefore, as those ice cultivators' strength increased, they also had more endurance to fight, fighting against them became much more dangerous.

however, lin feng didn't intend to fight against them for a long time, that wasn't necessary.

his deadly qi crashed through the atmosphere and swallowed the ice and snow. a black sword appeared and a terrifying deadly qi shot into the skies.

at that moment, his deadly energy contained sword intent, even though his sword intent was only at the first level, it was more than enough.

”die!” shouted lin feng furiously. a black light flashed and disappeared in an instant.


a subtle sound spread in the air. han xue tian who was attacking lin feng was still in the air, but he wasn't moving forwards anymore.

he lowered his head and saw that his waist was bleeding. the lower part of his body was gradually detaching itself from the upper half of his body.

”ahhhhh...….” a horrible shriek filled the air and resonated across the battlefield. everyone from the ice and snow mountain village looked up and saw that the patriarch, han xue tian's body had been cut into two. his eyes were still wide open but his body was no longer whole!

the people from the village felt their hearts start pounding violently, but they quickly forgot about all of that, because their bodies were then sliced apart. the chi xie army did not look up and get distracted during battle and continued their attacks.


the members from the village had only one thought at that moment, they wanted to escape. their patriarch had been killed by lin feng and sliced in half, was fighting against the chi xie troops still worth it?

everyone from the ice and snow mountain village started trying to escape, including the elders and the geniuses from the sect. nobody wanted to die. dying with their comrades was a virtuous thing, but most of the time, when confronted with death, most people wanted to escape because they were terrified of death. this couldn't be blamed, as it was a natural reaction to cling on to life.

could they escape though?