539 Worries (1/2)

since lin feng had come with huo shi yun, people were also looking at him, especially a few young men of the huo clan who looked annoyed. in the huo clan, huo shi yun was the most beautiful woman, she also had a great temperament, was warm and friendly, and she was the clan head's daughter. naturally a few young men, full of vigor and vitality, had fallen in love with her. when they saw lin feng next to her, they of course, considered him as a potential love rival.

lin feng knitted his brows, he could see that this young woman attracted many men.

lin feng, however, didn't care about those young men who were looking at him in an aggressive way, it was absolutely normal. huo shi yun was so friendly, warm and soft.she was qualified to attract many men.

at that moment, a young man who looked sophisticated walked towards them, he looked upset.he glanced at lin feng in an unfriendly way and asked, ”shi yun, who's that?”

”my friend, lin feng,” said huo shi yun in a soft voice.

”i see,” said the young man while nodding. he didn't know what to say anymore.

”we're going to see my father,” said huo shi yun and then continued walking. the young man let them pass. lin feng just glanced at him with a kind and simple smile while nodding his head.

after huo shi yun and lin feng left, many people who were on the field sighed.

”well, it all depends on luck. shi yun is beautiful and her temperament is great, she's warm, friendly and gentle… and against all odds, that bastard of the yuan clan injured her with his ice fist, and now she's sick,” said another old man while shaking his head.

”i wonder who that young man is though. could it be a potential lover?”

”no, i don't think so. even though he is young and has already broken through to the first xuan qi layer, in front of that bastard, he wouldn't be able to do a thing. shi yun would not go out with him.”

”you're right,” said the other old man while nodding. they sounded hopeless. the yuan clan was extremely strong and that bastard of the yuan clan couldn't be kept under control, at least the huo clan couldn't keep him under control.

at that moment, huo shi yun and lin feng arrived at the main hall of the huo clan. there stood a few middle-aged men who looked powerful.

”shi yun, are you sure that he can cure your moon ice disease?” asked the one who seemed to be the leader, he looked dignified.

”father, that guy is a swindler! he's so weak! he can't cure anything! he's much weaker than yuan tong,” huo shi yun hadn't even had the time to open her mouth when huo yun had already started talking.

”uncle, let lin feng try! there's no problem!” said huo shi yun while shaking her head and smiling wryly.

”of course there's no problem in trying but i'm afraid that he could have ulterior motives and could harm you,” said the middle-aged man. he then glanced at lin feng and said, ”you have broken through to the first xuan qi layer, you say you can cure shi yun, no problem, but i hope you don't have any intentions of hurting her. you are so weak that we could crush you without breaking a sweat. besides, you could never be in a relationship with a girl from our clan,” said the second elder while rolling up his sleeves. he was looking at lin feng in an aggressive way while examining him from head to toe.

lin feng glanced at him, opened his celestial eyes and inspected the man's cultivation level.

”top of the fifth xuan qi layer… that's all,” thought lin feng while smiling coldly. no wonder his interlocutor couldn't see that he was hiding his cultivation level. the second elder's soul was probably weaker than that of lin feng's, therefore, he could only see that lin feng had broken through to the first xuan qi layer.

”huh?” the second elder frowned and suddenly looked ice-cold.

”kacha!” he had a teacup in his hand which immediately broke into pieces and turned into powder.

”how insolent!” said the second elder while staring at lin feng. lin feng had surprisingly dared inspect his cultivation level.

a tiny little boy of the first xuan qi layer dared to act so aggressively and impudently, he was really fearless.

”you want to die!?” said huo yun looking ice-cold. she, of course, knew what was going on. surprisingly, lin feng had dared to inspect her father's cultivation level which had infuriated him.

”second uncle, lin feng didn't do it on purpose!! please forgive him!” said huo shi yun trying to defend lin feng.

”i did. i did it on purpose,” said lin feng, which stupefied huo shi yun. huo yun and her father were astonished.