550 Karma May Reunite Us! (1/2)

”aaaaaaahhhhh...…” yuan tong cried in agony. several of his ribs were broken..

at that moment lin feng wasn't feeling great either. even though he protected himself with the strength of the herukas, the cold qi of yuan tong's moon skill still penetrated into his body making him shiver. there were actual threads of ice flowing in his body.

”burn!” shouted lin feng furiously. a magnificent sunlight appeared and surrounded his body, expelling out the cold.

lin feng dared to jump into his enemy's attack only because he knew he could expel the cold out beforehand, considering he had done it for huo shi yun, he wasn't afraid. he knew that his cosmos-burning sun skill would make yuan tong's ice qi melt.

yuan tong was feeling differently. lin feng's attack hadn't killed him but he was badly injured. with his bones broken he couldn't fight against lin feng anymore.

lin feng made a huge step forwards, still holding his deadly sword. his deadly energy enveloped yuan tong, making him shake from head to toe.

”aaahhh...!” yuan tong roared violently. his face looked gruesome, like he was in great pain. his hands abruptly started shaking, he wasn't using them to attack lin feng with his moon and sun skills. instead, he transformed into a beam of light and started escaping.

he had been defeated. he had come looking prestigious and dignified, extremely proud and arrogant. he had been defeated by lin feng from xue yue in the end. he was furious.

besides, the girl he wanted to kidnap had a crush on lin feng and she rejected him in front of everybody!

this wasn't even the great competition of xue yu! having already been defeated by lin feng from xue yue, how would he be able to go to the great competition of xue yu with assurance and confidence, when he already lost face. he might have to face lin feng there after all!

at the great competition of xue yu he would still feel humiliated, he would remember this defeat.

lin feng watched as yuan tong left. he didn't chase him, he wasn't sure if he could catch yuan tong because he was extremely fast.

the crowd looked at lin feng standing in the sky while yuan tong disappeared into the distance, they were speechless.

lin feng had amazed them time after time, how could they ever forget him?

originally yuan lie had humiliated lin feng causing lin feng to kill him. then, the huo clan humiliated him and lin feng cut off the two arms of their second elder.

then yuan tong had come flying through the sky. he had acted very proud and arrogant until lin feng had defeated him with his swords. in front of everyone, he had amazed them.

lin feng had won against yuan tong, a genius who was going to participate to the great competition of xue yu. yuan tong had what it took to be one of the ten greatest geniuses of dragon mountain.

how could they not be astonished by what had happened? they would never forget lin feng, lin feng would surely become a legend, a myth one day.

”pfe for visiting.

even though huo jiu yang was surprised when lin feng killed yuan lie, he wasn't amazed. when lin feng had defeated the second elder, lin feng had proved that he was a genius. it was then that huo jiu yang thought that lin feng only needed a few years to defeat yuan tong and he changed his mind.

now lin feng had defeated yuan tong. not only had he defeated yuan tong but he had scared him to death. yuan tong had ran away!

lin feng was so much younger than yuan tong and had come in the name of xue yue. he was going to participate to the great competition of xue yu and will have a brilliant future ahead of him. huo jiu yang was now convinced that lin feng was a perfect match for his daughter. however, he was worried that lin feng wasn't interested in his daughter.

huo jiu yang looked at his daughter, her beautiful eyes were twinkling. she was looking at lin feng in the sky while smiling in a resplendent way.

lin feng was safe now that he had defeated yuan tong. even the huo clan was safe. huo shi yun wouldn't need to become yuan tong's wife! she would have never believed that someone would save her, not even in her dreams. this was even better than a dream.

lin feng was still standing in the sky. he had closed his eyes with his cosmos-burning sun skill revolving around him. the sunlight was shining upon his body.