825 Demon Sword And Battling Against The General (1/2)

”who is he? he is so strong that he can kill so many strong cultivators from the east sea dragon palace.” whispered the woman. she couldn't understand what just happened, the young man who had hidden with her in the sedan chair was actually so strong.

more and more strong cultivators were appearing. lin feng, with his wind agility technique could move with incredible speeds. xuan level cultivators couldn't keep up with him. those who were chasing lin feng had to all be tian level cultivators.

”you cannot escape.” someone declared coldly in front of lin feng. the man was a dragon general holding a dragon spear, he was sitting on a flood dragon, blocking lin feng's path. lin feng was sure that he was a strong cultivator of the tian qi layer because his qi was too powerful. lin feng couldn't fight him on his own.

lin feng stretched out his hand and his animal tower appeared. in a flash, a few terrifying tian level ferocious beasts appeared.

”attack.” lin feng said with a cold voice. he decided to sit on the roc which had already recovered a lot from its injuries.

”roooaar!” the violent bear attacked with its paws, its steps made the entire atmosphere tremble.

the dragon general looked down at the bear and then his silhouette flickered. his spear was like a flying dragon, a terrifying whirlwind appeared as he released some energies.

”boom!” the bear retaliated by throwing its paw at the dragon spear, however, its strength was destroyed by the whirlwind. crackling sounds spread in the air as the dragon spear penetrated the bear's claw. apparently, it was a very powerful attack.

”roar!” the bear roared violently as it pulled back its paw. if it wasn't for that dragon spear the bear might have had a chance. now the flood dragon was about to devour the bear's paw.

”crrrr….. crrrr…” the dragon threw himself at the bear as it spat out poison, the dragon spear streaked across the sky as well.

lin feng wasn't happy, he didn't want to fight against the dragon general right now. his beasts couldn't even stop him, they might all die there.

lin feng slowly walked towards the dragon general and released demoniac lights.

”die.”lin feng said only one word. the dragon flood roared insanely as its gigantic body wrapped around the dragon general.

lin feng released a terrifyingly oppressive and demoniac energy which surprised the general. he redirected his assault at lin feng.

lin feng took another step forwards and released an infinite amount of sword energy. it contained level seven sword intent and formed a gigantic sword. however, the spear defended and lin feng's sword was destroyed. the level difference between lin feng and the general was too great.

however, lin feng didn't flinch. he moved forwards and raised his hands. a terrifying corrosive strength emerged from them.