836 Back To Tian Chi (1/2)

ack at death valley, a great war was taking place. the cultivators from the influential groups of gan yu had gone there together and had brought their beasts to fight. the ground and sky were shaking, to the extent that it seemed that the valley was going to collapse.

those ferocious beasts which possessed death qi were attacking the cultivators ruthlessly. hundreds of influential groups were joining hands in the death valley. however, the result was still tragic, a myriad of disciples had died there, either killed by ferocious beasts or corroded by death qi.

if the war was worth it, then death valley wouldn't be a forbidden area ever again. this time, the strong cultivators of gan yu had planned everything.

however, an internal war occured. the cultivators wanted to take control over death valley but all in all, they were still greedy and wildly ambitious. they had found some incredible holy marks and the demon seal stone which was broken by the three lives demon.

that stone could oppress the demon's powers when it was whole. even in pieces, they still contained an incredible power.

while the cultivators were battling, there were more and more clouds in the air, the entire region was changing.

a terrifying oppressive force fell down, it was so powerful that even zun cultivators would have crawled on the ground.

the entire crowd stopped fighting at the same time and raised their heads towards the sky.

”what a terrifying energy.” everybody suddenly looked scared by the vortexes in the sky. what was going on?

”boom!” a terrifying energy fell down from the sky and at that moment blood splashed violently out of many people's mouths. zun cultivators fell down to the ground and were shaking violently.

they could barely breathe. had the demon come back?

finally, in one of the vortexes, a face appeared. it looked domineering and majestic like an emperor.

”what a terrifying cultivator.” people kept shaking but that face didn't care. it just glanced at the pieces of broken stone on the ground.

that face then glanced at the crowd for a few seconds, but those people didn't dare to meet his gaze.

the terrifying vortex emitted loud rumbling sounds as clouds rolled in waves. the face then disappeared, along with the vortex. eventually everything went back to normal but the crowd remained motionless for a long time, unable to recover.

a moment before, that silhouette in the sky was an emperor. he had sensed the stone, which had oppressed the three lives demon's powers, had been broken so he had come to check it out for himself.

an emperor… they had seen a real emperor… everybody was perfectly aware that the vortex was an emperor's power. the emperor wasn't in gan yu so he had imprisoned the demon there. he knew that people in gan yu were really weak so he thought that it would be a safe location.

he hadn't thought that a thousand years later, lin feng would come to the valley and disturb the peace and tranquility of the region. relying on the jade emperor's palace, he had reached the depths of the death valley and had studied the first part of the three lives skill. the demon had then borrowed lin feng's body to break the word on the stone and free the demon.

after the demon left, there was no news as to where he went. his powers had been oppressed for a thousand years and his qi was still too weak. it would take some time to start causing trouble again.