846 Transmission (1/2)

jian feng zi's eyes were twinkling, he looked back at his fellows and was surprised as well.

all the zun cultivators understood what it meant for tian xuan.

outside of the tian xuan palace, many tian xuan disciples and many of them were xuan level cultivators. many of them were tian level cultivators as well. at first, they were surprised and then they seemed to understand that the meteorite had something to do with tian xuan.

the snow zun cultivator walked slowly and stared at lin feng. he stretched out his hand and the meteorite flew away at full speed. it then turned into a gigantic stone where strange marks began to appear.

”those are… holy marks?! ”

lin feng narrowed his eyes. it seemed like tian chi's people attached a great importance to that stone.

there were two characters on the stone, ”tian xuan”. those words were written with a beautiful handwriting. it seemed like those words contained the power of heaven. however, there was a mark on that stone.

”it's the tian xuan stone!” tian shu zi was astonished. he was fixated on the stone in front of lin feng, looking rather greedy.

the seven peaks of tian chi were extremely old. they had been created by their powerful ancestors and forged over the centuries. apart from the common treasures which most empires possessed, each peak had its own precious treasure.

tian xuan's precious treasure was a meteorite. the ancestors of tian xuan had transmitted that precious treasure at a time when tian xuan was prosperous. it held an incredible power. it was also the most mysterious treasure owned by any of the seven peaks. it contained an explosive power that the six other peaks couldn't understand. only the offspring of tian xuan could understand it for some reason.

even though most people didn't know what kind of magic it had, the leaders of tian xuan were the three old zun cultivators: the snow, fire and sword zun cultivators. when they were young and ordinary cultivators, many people didn't want them to become the leaders of tian xuan. however, they obtained the stone and their cultivation level took off with incredible speeds. very quickly, nobody in tian chi wanted to fight them anymore.

however, after that the stone disappeared. many people thought that the stone couldn't be transmitted and that tian xuan was going to decline. nobody knew that the stone was in the snow zun cultivator's hands.

”lin feng, kneel down.” said the snow zun cultivator solemnly.

lin feng's heart was pounding, shivering even. he was staring at the snow zun cultivator's stone and seemed to be hesitating.

however, when he looked at the snow zun cultivator and saw him look that solemn, he also noticed how old he was. he looked old yet wise and one could see some impatience in his eyes as well.

lin feng slowly knelt down in front of the meteorite.

”lin feng, this stone is the blood spirit of tian xuan, it has witnessed its climaxes and declines over time. it also represents our traditions.” said the snow zun cultivator. at that moment, lin feng understood what the old man meant. however, he still couldn't believe it, it seemed too sudden.

lin feng wasn't the only one to feel that way, everybody felt the same way. they were both perplexed and surprised.