2 Chapter 2 (1/2)
Laura waited patiently in her chair for the first five minutes, before getting up and grabbing a glass of water to drink. Pulling out her tablet, the young engineering student brought up some of the plans and designs she had sketched up already, going through them to see about ways to improve on them still.
Occupied like this the next few minutes seemed to fly by for Laura until a knock on the door caught her attention. Looking up from her work, she saw a young japanese men step in, maybe a year or two older than herself. After closing the door behind himself, he gave a short bow towards the waiting exchange student, his long black goatee and short black hair the only identifying features Laura managed to see with him looking straight down. As he stood up straight again, revealing a slender face with a thin nose and green eyes. He immediately spoke up slowly in Japanese, careful to ensure the foreigner could understand him.
”I am sorry for being late, I got preoccupied helping one of the professors.” Walking closer his eyes wandered from Laura to the glass of water standing next to her chair. ”I am Okada Daiki, and I will be this semester's tutor for the exchange students, so if you have any questions during your stay, feel free to ask me.”
”Thanks I will” Laura replied, her japanese a bit slow, but otherwise fluent. ”Oh, I am Laura, Laura Rosenthal.”
”A pleasure meeting you. I see you already grabbed something to drink, so let's wait for the other exchange student to arrive before we get deeper into the introductions and what else is planned for today,” Daiki replied before grabbing himself a glass of water as well and sitting down on one of the empty chairs.
Laura just gave a short nod before returning to her designs, sketching out some new ideas she had gotten watching the little tanuki on her way to campus, mostly for some characters and costume designs. Although more than once she had to redo the eyes after simply drawing them as one solid color without pupil or iris. Focused on her tablet like this, the German cared little for the time that passed, where as Daiki was checking his watch every few minutes while waiting for the second exchange student that would stay at the overall rather small Yamatanuki university this semester.
All in all it took nearly half an hour until the door was opened by a tall, broad shoulder young man walking into the room, the blue and orange of his jacket contrasting strongly with his dark brown skin. Adjusting his round glasses, he read the note he held before speaking up. ”Why are there so few people here, isn't this supposed to be a meet and greet for all exchange students?” Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
Laura looked up to the newcomer from her tablet, her expression full of annoyance, bordering on outright anger over how late this guy was without even apologizing for it, but before she could voice this grievance, Daiki spoke up and rose out of his seat.
”Hello, I am Okada Daiki, and yes you are indeed in the right place, we seldom have more than three or four exchange students here. So having only two foreign students staying for a semester is not that uncommon.” Stopping his greeting for a moment, he waved a hand towards Laura before continuing. ”This is Rosenthal Laura, your fellow exchange student.”
With the moment of anger passed, the German student stood up, took a deep breath and stepped forward to give the newcomer a firm handshake as she asked, ”So who are you?”
”Ah yes, should have introduced myself first. I'm Gabe Chumpson, nice to meet you.”
Sitting back down and motioning to the two free chairs, Daiki waited for the other two to sit down before he continues.
”Now that both of you are here, Let's do some more in depth introductions before I tell you a bit more about Yamatanuki University.” He then took a deep breath before continuing.
”I am Okada Daiki and will be here for any questions or issues you might run into during your stay here. This will be my last semester studying Software engineering. In my freetime I like to play videogames and reading.”
Laura gave a short nod in reply, while Gabe sat there, having pulled out an english japanese dictionary and was flipping through it rapidly, seemingly not having understood everything said fully. Waiting for the other exchange student to finish consulting his dictionary, Laura cleared her throat to catch his attention as she began her own introduction, speaking at a slower pace then normal to give Gabe a better chance of understanding her.
”Hey, I'm Laura. Normally I study Aerospace Engineering in Munich, but decided to study in another country for a Semester a while ago. As I had already taken two Semesters of Japanese out of personal interest, Yamatanuki was suggested by my Professors. My hobbies include reading, hiking, HEMA and LARP.”
Seeing the confused looks of the guys in the room as she took a sip of water, Laura continued with an explanation of the abbreviations. ”That is Historical European Martial Arts, mostly sword fighting in my case, and Live Action Roleplaying.” With still some confusion left in Gabe's face, she continued her explanation. ”Imagine people going camping and playing out a fantasy story.”