5 Chapter 5 (1/2)
As they reached the front of the last building on their tour of the campus, Laura and Gabe immediately noticed the fact it had three separate entrances. One, located roughly at the center of the building, lead directly to a spiraling staircase surrounded by a glass faced that lead to the two upper floors, and according to the Kanji above it it lead to the library. The others were each a set of glass double doors that lead into the cafeteria. Stepping through the closer of those, they found themselves in a small waiting area, with a couple of monitors showing what would be served for dinner later that day. They couldn't get further in at this time, as the doors leading further into the building were locked.
”Behind these are two lines of counters where staff hands out food to the students. After that there is a large seating area. The other entrance on the other side of the building leads in and out of that area, right next to the dish return, for people to leave the cafeteria by, or if they want to sit inside it during non-meal times for some reason.”
With the short explanation done, the local turned around and motioned for the others to follow him. ”Now let's go upstairs and get you both your library cards. After that we just need to go back into the main building to let you finalize your schedules and sign a few forms to confirm your arrival and the classes you will take.”
”Ah bureaucracy, seems somethings stay the same wherever you go.” Laura commented with a thin smile, her accent making it difficult for the other two to tell if she was being sarcastic or not. Seeing the confused look on the guys' faces she rolled her eyes. ”That was supposed to be a joke.” She mumbled deflated as they all made their way back outside.
Climbing the stairs up to the second floor, Daiki lead the exchange students into a small walkway lined with lockers. ”These are for any bags you bring, as they are not allowed inside the library proper, too big a risk of people taking the older books that are not to be checked out out with them, or things that could damage the books, like sodas, into the library.”
”Right you are Mr. Okada.” came the voice of an older lady from a few meters further down the corridor. Walking on, they found an old lady sitting behind a wooden counter, next to which was the door leading to the library itself. ”Showing the Exchange students around like every year I see.”
”Ah Yes, let me introduce you all. Mrs. Yurikabe these are Rosenthal Laura and Chumpson Gabe, from Germany and the USA respectively. Laura, Gabe this is Mrs Yurikabe, our head librarian.”
”A pleasure to meet you.” Laura and Gabe said near simultaneously.
”Indeed it is.” The Librarian replied before turning to the filing cabinets behind har and rummaging through them as she continued. ”I assume you are here to get your library cards.”
”Yes we are.” Laura replied quickly just before Mrs. Yurikabe pulled two sheets of paper, each with a plastic card clipped to it, out of the cabinet and placed them on the counter.
”If you could read these and sign at the bottom please. Don't worry, it's just a short recap of the library rules you should have gotten already. If not you can always read up on them on the university's homepage”
Skimming over the paper, it was indeed just a summary of the library rules, what books could be checked out and for how long, that you should be quiet inside, and how to tell which books needed to be treated extra carefully due to age. Signing on the indicated line, Laura handed the sheet of paper to the old lady and got handed her library card in return, which had a photo of the young German, her name and student number on it.
After handing Gabe his card as well the librarian gave them all a smile. ”I hope you two will enjoy your stay here at Yamatanuki, if you ever need some help finding a book in the library or what book could help you, don't hesitate to ask.” Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
”I will thank you.” Laura said before the group turned to leave the Library.
After going back into the university's main building, Daiki lead them up to the fourth floor, where the deanery was located. After a short knock, they were asked by the secretary to enter, and after seeing the two foreigners, she immediately turned around and grabbed a pair of folders from behind her.