7 Chapter 7 (1/2)
Stepping inside the Bar, Mr Tanaka spotted the three students immediately and directed them to a small, somewhat private area in the back corner of his establishment. The size of the table, which didn't even come up to their knees, surprised the foreigners, but after Daiki kneeled down on the tatami mats they followed his example as well, finding that now the table was actually at a comfortable height.
”So what do you two make of Yamatanuki and Hiyokuna so far?” the local asked of the other two while they waited for a waiter to take their orders.
”While it's smaller, the Campus and its facilities aren't that different from what we have back home.” Gabe commented as he tried to figure out the most comfortable way to sit on the floor. ”But this town isn't really like anything I've seen before, its so small.”
”Interesting.” Laura commented, kneeling before the table somewhat comfortable already. ”Hiyokuna isn't that different from smaller towns near the Alps, but my university had all it's buildings and facilities scattered across Munich. So having everything this close together is something to get used to for me. We also don't have a stadium or gym that belongs to the university, I think at least.”
As Gabe was about to reply to Laura, a waiter came, asking for their orders.
”I'll have a beer please”
”Some Sake for me please”
”I'll take a Coke for now” Gabe finished their order, causing the others to give him strange looks, and once the waiter was leaving the young woman of the group spoke.
”Why did you order a coke? I thought we came here to drink together.”
”Because I'm not allowed to drink yet? I'm only 20 afterall.” Gabe responded, which caused Daiki to chuckle.
”That is old enough to drink here Gabe.” the Local explained, trying not to smile too wide.
”Oh” was Gabes only response to that, before he turned to Laura. ”So if you don't have any sports facilities at your University, does that mean you have no sports teams either?”
”We don't really have college or university sport as a thing in Germany.” Laura began her explanation as she brushes her ponytail back behind her shoulder. ”While there is some sport offered through the university, it's using facilities from the city or other organisations for all that. As for competitive sports, we have clubs for most of that, which are, in most cases, not tied to any school or college and are drawing on all people living in their area that want to do that sport.”
”Huh, interesting, So you don't have sport based scholarships either.”
”Not as far as I know, but they aren't really needed either, as people don't need to be in college to do professional or semi-professional sports, not to mention that university in Germany is not as expensive as other places.” was the response he got from Laura, who was nervously drumming her fingers on the table.
”If you say so” Gabe agreed as the waiter returned with their drinks.