18 Chapter 18 (1/2)

The next afternoon Laura walked up to the Gym's main entrance, where Daiki was already waiting for her, carrying a surprisingly big bag. While the actual practice was still half an hour away, they would need some time to find a set of clothes that fit the Kitsune, and hopefully would accommodate her tails.

”Hi Daiki.” Laura greeted her fellow student as she finally reached the doors he was waiting at.

”Hello Laura.” Came the prompt response as he pulled open the door for her. ”Prof. Yakamura is already inside and doing some training on his own as he'll be spending most of today's session teaching any new people the basics.”

”Well then let's be quick about getting everything I need, watching our instructor train would surely be a sight to behold.” the German student said as the duo stepped inside the building.

”Yes, let's get this over with quickly.” Daiki said before he turned to lead Laura past the changing rooms into a medium sized storage room.

Inside where a couple of cages containing various sportsgear, only one of which unlocked. A short time spent checking through the hakamas and gis later, they found a pair that should fit Laura well enough. Daiki then took out a sword made out of strips of bamboo and handed it to the German, before they each headed to the appropriate changing rooms.

Luckily for Laura, no other women were in the changing room yet, allowing her to dismiss the Illusion over her tails as she tried to figure out how to fit them into the hakama. In the end she was able to fit the tails into the legs of the wide, traditional pants, and after a bit of trial and error, she even managed a decent enough illusion to make the legs look less stuffed with furred tails than they actually were.

After a quick test to make sure she could keep up this illusion for the next few hours, the Kitsune stepped into the Gym, where an older man was already practicing. The white gi he was wearing gave a visual contrast to the blue one Laura was wearing, which helped him stand out from the students.

Watching whom she assumed to be prof. Yakamura was quite impressive, the attacks he practiced were quick enough that she would have problems following them, if they weren't precise enough to be the exact same motion every time. The loud shouts coinciding with every blow echoed in the nearly empty gym and added quite a different atmosphere to it all compared to what Laura was used to from HEMA training.

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After a while, Daiki came out of the men's changing room and walked up to the Kitsune, where he joined her watching their teacher practice in silence. For the next five or so minutes prof. Yakamura continued practicing his strikes, until he noticed his audience and walked over to them.

”Hello professor.” Daiki said with a short bow, Laura following suit just a moment later.

”Hello, aren't the two of you quite a bit early?” Came the response from their instructor, who was holding his shinai losely at his side, an eyebrow raised in slight surprise.

”Yes we are, I wanted to have enough time to find fitting clothes for Miss Rosenthal.” Daiki explained before giving a short shake of his head. ”Oh I almost forgot, Prof. Yakamura, this is Rosenthal Laura, Laura this is Prof. Yakamura.”

”Hello professor, I am looking forward to training under you.” The Kitsune said, half moving her hand forward for a handshake, before deciding to perform another, more shallow, bow instead.