28 Chapter 28 (1/2)
After grabbing her food, a bowl filled with rice and fried chicken, Laura walked into the cafeteria, where she found Gabe and Daiki eating their Lunch. Moving over to their table, the Kitsune sat down on the edge of a free chair as her tails would just get pinched against the back of it otherwise.
”Oh hi Laura.” Gabe greeted her as she sat down, before shoving some more of his lunch into his mouth.
”Hi Gabe, Hi Daiki” She said to the two humans sitting with her before taking a long drink from the glass of water she had gotten herself alongside her food.
”Hey” Daiki quickly said after swallowing. ”How's your day been so far?”
”Decent enough, class was canceled so I spent most of it so far in the workshop.” The Kitsune replied with a smile, before trying some of her chicken.
”Lucky you.” The american commented between mouthfuls of rice. ”I only got half an hour break for lunch to day, then it's back to class till 7pm”
”Yikes, good luck with that.” Laura offered as she digged into her rice as well, although no where near with the same gusto and haste as Gabe.
”Thanks” Gabe said after swallowing the last of his food. Finishing his drink as well, he stood up, picked up the tray of dishes and turned to leave. ”See you two tonight, or probably tomorrow I guess.”
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”Goodbye.” Daiki said between bites of food, while Laura gave a slightly more cheerful ”see you”
”So what have you been up to today?” the spirit asked her remaining friend as they continued their meals.