40 Chapter 40 (1/2)
The sound of breaking metal and shattering glass tore Prof. Yakamura's attention from his lecture about possible improvements to the entrance of the nearby stadium. Miss Rosenthal was already rushing towards it, having drawn an European longsword from somewhere. What caused him to rub his eyes though was her sudden change of wardrobe into a yukata, the fox ears amidst her now bright orange hair and the shimmering air behind her slowly revealing more and more foxtails.
A loud shout though drew his attention away from the student that just revealed herself to be a Kitsune, and towards the blue skinned giant that presumably broke the door's half his height.
”So you are the small minded vixen that has been opposing my followers so far?” the fur and leather clad creature bellowed, tearing apart the small leather strips that held a scythe to its back.
The repurposed farming tool looked much like the one his grandfather had taught him to use ages ago when he still went to his grandparents small farm every summer.
But with the changes made to it clearly indicated that this one was not meant to cut grass but flesh and probably even bone. Its blade had been replaced by a thicker double edged one not to dissimilar to the one Miss Rosenthal was holding firmly as she advanced instead of the normal curved one. It was still mounted at an angle that allowed it to stay parallel to the ground, and with the length of the shaft it was sitting right at head height for the average human.
”Yes and I'll stop you just the same” The Kitsune shouted as nine flames shimmered into life behind her, one a top each tail, her stance settling into a solid kamae.
”In your dream's kit, I'll cut you down like the little weed you are.” the giant retorted as it swung the scythe aiming to cut off the student's head.
Miss Rosenthal though proved how much she had practiced this semester already and intercepted the strike with her blade, which looked very taxing on her.
Snapping out of his bout of inaction, Prof. Yakamura resolved to protect his student the best he could. But with her barely keeping the monster from connecting with its wild swings he did not have the time to rush to his locker to get his own blade. Looking around he noticed the slightly loose ground anchors, which he recalled to be about the same length as a short sword used in Nito-style Kendo.
While he would have prefered to have something longer to wield with one of those, he had little option if he wanted to assist his student before it would be to late for her. Even so, removing two of them from the earth took him much longer than the professor would have liked.
Rushing over, it became clear the two supernatural combatants were much to focused on each other to notice him advancing towards the giant's back. Despite the chill running down his spine and creeping into his limbs, the Human struck out, stabbing one of the anchors into the blue skinned creature's heel.
What followed after this broke up the fights momentum for one moment. As the burning pain in the Professor's blackening hand turned to dead numbness, his scream of pain attracted the attention of the other two, his student's strange eyes still managing to convey utter panic despite their pure orange appearance.
”Sensei get back! He'll freeze you to death!” Laura shouted as she finally noticed the human screaming behind Yo-tsu. Sending a thrust towards the giant with her heavily mangled sword to keep him occupied.
”Yes run and hide puny human, your time will come soon enough.” The Frost Giant bellowed, easily deflecting the Kitsune's attack, the blade of his scythe carving another centimeter deep notch into her weapon.