68 Chapter 68 The Second Spirit Ring (1/2)

You can search ”Douluo Zhihuanglong Jingshisou Novels ()” in Baidu to find the latest chapters!This is no wonder Lu Yuan was shocked, because the Golden Dragon Turtle Committee was so extraordinary.

The Golden Dragon Tortoise is the supreme among turtles, a rare super soul beast, and the only super soul beast among the tortoise soul beasts.

The other is the Xuanwu Tortoise, which is a super soul beast. In addition to strong defense, it is also good at water-based energy attacks and can fight and resist, so it stands among the super soul beasts.

In addition to the strong defense, the Golden Dragon Turtle also has an absolutely impressive offensive power, and this attack power comes from the physical strength of the Golden Dragon Turtle.

The Golden Dragon Turtle is also a golden soul beast, which can be known from its golden color, and it also possesses the blood of the dragon clan.

According to ancient records, the dragon blood of the Golden Dragon Turtle has an extraordinary origin.

On the Douluo Continent, the common ancestor of the soul beasts is the Dragon God, and the Dragon God has long since disappeared. Now the strongest blood of the Dragon Clan is the Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King, who are the two major clones of the Dragon God.

Under these two dragon kings, there are nine dragon kings created by the Dragon God himself. They are the Golden Dragon, the Mountain Dragon, the Fire Dragon, the Ice Dragon, the Earth Dragon, the Wind Dragon, the Light Dragon, the Dark Dragon, and the Space Dragon. They inherited a power of Dragon God.

Among them, the Mountain Dragon King is the uncrowned king. Because of his special achievements, he is hailed as the head of the nine dragon kings in the world. However, when it comes to strength, there is no doubt that the Golden Dragon is the most powerful of the nine dragon kings.

The Golden Dragon is a bit like the Golden Dragon King. Its strongest is also the physical power. In fact, the Golden Dragon King’s power is the combination of the Golden Dragon and the Mountain Dragon King, and the Silver Dragon’s power comes from the combination of the other seven dragon kings. The Golden Dragon King and the Silver Dragon King are actually It is almost the same, one controls the physical power of the Dragon God, and the other controls the elemental power of the Dragon God.

But it is not difficult to see that the Golden Dragon King, which only combines the Golden Dragon and the Mountain Dragon King, can go hand in hand with the Silver Dragon King, which is a combination of the other seven dragon kings. The strength of the Golden Dragon and the Mountain Dragon King is much greater than the other seven dragon kings.

The peak period of the nine dragon kings is equivalent to a first-level god, and the golden dragon is undoubtedly infinitely close to the realm of the gods, but it is precisely because of the strength that the golden dragons have already died in the battle of the gods. Up.

Lu Yuan didn't know whether the Golden Dragon was dead or alive. Most of it was dead. What Lu Yuan knew was that the Golden Dragon Turtle and the Golden Dragon were somewhat related.

The Golden Dragon Tortoise has a thin bloodline of the Golden Dragon. Although this bloodline is already thin and impossibly thin, the bloodline of the Golden Dragon is even thinner. It still belongs to the bloodline of the strongest first-class god Golden Dragon, so it also makes The Golden Dragon Turtle possesses very powerful physical power.

Among the super soul beasts, the original golden dragon turtle was also in the forefront.

However, due to the scarcity of the golden dragon turtle itself, and the fact that the golden dragon turtle is not good at reproduction, there are also human spirit masters who are constantly hunting and killing them because of the high quality of their spirit rings. According to records as early as a thousand years ago , This kind of soul beast has disappeared, I didn't expect to see it here today.

It is precisely because of this that Lu Yuan did not use the Golden Dragon Turtle as an alternative to his second spirit ring, but there is no doubt that this Golden Dragon Turtle is tailor-made for Lu Yuan, and is better than the Xuanwu Tortoise. To be more suitable for Lu Yuan, because they belong to the golden category, and what is more coincidental is that they have similar blood.

The Golden Dragon Martial Spirit was inherited from the Golden Dragon King, and the bloodline of the Golden Dragon did have similarities.

”Elder Ju, have you seen that golden turtle?” Lu Yuan asked.

Chrysanthemum Douluo nodded, looked at the golden armored dragon tortoise, and said, ”I see, do you want to use that tortoise as a spirit ring?” 33 Xiaoshuo.com