11 Birthday Surprise Edited* (1/2)

Haven Online Momocatt 28060K 2022-07-21

”Macaroon, the neighbors have started to arrive! Mom will be here soon and we didn't even start to set up the place!” the boy said while wringing his hands together.

Xinya could see that he worked himself up into a state of panic. He looked over at Macaroon to see what she would do only to find her looking at him with a pleading expression.

Quest Triggered

”Mister, do you mind helping us set up the food, while we are busy with the guests and preparing the last of the dishes?” Macaroon asked helplessly.

”Sure I don't mind helping you out with that,” Xinya said as a notification popped up in front of him.

Quest has been created. Macaroon needs you to help her set up the table for 11 people including yourself. Be sure to make the dining table presentation nice or Macaroon will be upset with you.

Reward: 45 exp & 50 bronze coins


Xinya was shown to a cupboard where all the items he needed to decorate the table was located at. Looking inside he saw three different types of silverware and dishes, there were candles and handmade flowers and other sorts of things. After rooting around in the cupboard for a bit, Xinya knew how he was going to decorate the table.

There were some white apple blossom plates with a golden trim that looked very lovely, there were also matching napkins. The handmade flowers that he found were also apple blossoms, meaning somebody must have put together this set once upon a time ago. Deciding to go with his gut he grabbed all these items out. He looked around once more and grabbed any other items that look like it could match the apple blossom motif he was going for. After finding everything he needed, he took the items to the dining room and begun to prepare.

He remembered when he was younger, he used to watch the maids set the table for parties all the time. So following that memory he began setting up the ideal dining room table presentation. He went over everything more than once, he knew that this was just a game and it didn't need to be perfect, but he wanted it to be. Adding the final finishing touches, Xinya stood back and marveled in the artistry he created with just household items.

He was about to go back into the kitchen to announce that he was done, but hearing footsteps, he turned around to see Macaroon carrying the food in. She stood awestruck at the entrance taking in her surroundings.

”Wow, mister! It's beautiful, my mother will love it. Thank you so much.” Macaroon said while running up to him to give him a hug, but before she could Xinya sidestepped her causing her to fall on the floor.

Getting up she rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, ”I forget you don't like hugs. Hehe, but I do want to sincerely thank you for all your help so far.”

Quest completed. You gained 45 exp and 50 bronze coins. You have gained a new skill, please check your skill bar for more details.

You leveled up!

Opening up his skill bar, Xinya saw that he gained a skill called Catering, it probably won't be any use to him in the early stages of the game but later on it might be of great use, Xinya thought as he read the description.

Catering: The true joy of cooking is sharing your dishes with others. Catering allows you to prepare food in larger quantities so that you and your guests can dine together. The more people you have, the better your banquets will be. It creates a Catering Dish out of several other food items. You must have at least two edible food items to merge into one Catering Dish. The Catering Dish produced provides the combined total of the stat bonuses of all the items it is made up with.

Xinya and Macaroon worked together to put all the food in the right place on the dining table. The cake that her brother made sat in the center of the table on full display. When it was about time for their mother to come home, they moved all the guests into the dining room, so that when she walked in she would be surprised.

It was a little past 6'oclock game time when their mother walked in, the surprise went off without a hitch and their mother teary-eyed doing the whole party. The party went on for a couple of hours before everyone decided to leave as Xinya was debating to himself if he should leave or not, Macaroon came and dragged him over towards her mother. Once they were there, Xinya quickly removed her hand from his person while giving her mother a smile.