71 Quest Triggered (1/2)
It was extremely out of place in this setting, to Xinya it seemed that even as time moved on and everything changed this one place would forever remain untouched. He was a little in awe and slightly fanboying. This was the place he read about, he still could hardly believe it. After taking a picture of the cottage for his personal collection, he messaged Wei and Wandering Snow in party chat.
DC: Guys guess what I found!!
WS: Roaming Wind don't shout at him, I'm sure he didn't mean to wander alone in the forest where he could die.
DC: Your sarcasm is not wanted Wandering Sound, and I just saw something on the map that I wanted to check out.
RW: And you couldn't stop and inform us before going?
DC: I saw that you two were busy talking so I didn't want to interrupt you.
WS: Drifting Cloud she is right, if it was anywhere else it would be ok but in these woods the monsters are dangerous and we don't want to see you lose experience and coins because you didn't want to bother us.
DC: Your both right, I promise from now on, no matter what you two are doing If I want to do something I will bother you.
RW: This boy….
DC: That's what you want right?
WS: I mean, only in dangerous places.
DC: Well I'm hereby informing you that I'm in a very dangerous place right now.
RW: What!?! Where are you?