1 Introduction (1/2)

Drown BlytheZoyle14 28500K 2022-07-21

To love is to be vulnerable. There's always risk. Nonetheless, to love is also an opportunity to gain wisdom from your mistakes.

That's what they said, that's what i had been always believe. Until the moment when my life got shuttered.

I dedicated my life for someone whom i thought love me enough.

Whom i thought love me equally.

I was wrong, To those years we spent with each other. They all vanished like bubbles in thin air.

The past came back and it destroyed the present, even the future that awaits for the two aspiring lovers.

I've been asking my self, what went wrong. What has gotten that suddenly we split up? What's not enough that i couldn't still fill the hole in his heart?

I thought, we were okay. I thought, it's fine. I thought i fixed him already, i thought he love me. Maybe he did, but not to the extent that he can let go the person who once destroyed him.

I was just a fixer huh, one you can run to whenever you need help then leave 'coz you don't need it anymore.

***She is Wyett Audelia Roan

It started with a simple Hi.

It ended with a hard Goodbye.

Waking up, I faced the mirror with swollen eyes, bright red cheeks, stuffy nose and a very messy hair. Im so messed up. Im broken and lost.  The me I used to be.

I scanned my room and saw boxes of used tissues, cans of beer, left over take out foods, pillows all over the floor, and a naked bed. I groaned at the thought of everything I did last night.

I decided to clean my room from top to bottom to take my mind off things or else I'll go insane. I tied my hair into a messy bun and grabbed a trash bag when my eyes saw a notebook at the corner of my room.

The biggest mistake of my life is writing on that notebook cause it will always remind me of how I fell inlove with a man and how he broke me.

I was in the middle of arranging things when I received a text from Flame, my bestfriend.

”Where are you right now ?”

I dropped my phone not minding her question. I was not in the mood since my room is messy and so is my life. I was done cleaning everything when I decided to take a bath. Fuck this life, whatever I do I always end up thinking about him, our moments together and how cruel it ended.

I sighed heavily. Damn. Get a grip self, you still need to work your ass off.

Ah i forgot i already lost my job.

While air drying my hair, my phone kept on ringing and I'm a hundred percent sure it's Flame. That girl can really be a pain in the ass. I decided to answer it since she will not stop unless her demands are met.


”Wow, you're awake!”  her voice beamed with excitement and I rolled my eyes towards heaven.

\tThat tone from her just meant one thing. S-H-O-P-P-I-N-G and when I say shopping, the Flame Audrey Roan style. I mean, every high end shop her eyes could land on is a target.

”Obviously Audrey Roan, now what do you want?” I comb my ash brown hair into a messy bun, applied some lip balm and cheek tint. I put on my go to outfit, cropped top shirt, high waisted pants and a comfortable pair of shoes.

”Well, um. If it's okay, can you pick me up? Later, this evening. I have something to show you.”

It took me some time to respond.

”Sorry, I can't. I still have some things to do. Call King instead, he has all the time in the world. I bet you a hundred bucks, he's with a girl right now.”

I squirmed at the thought. All I get is silence from the other line. I could imagine her rolling her doe eyes just by the mere thought of King, our cousin.

”I'd... rather not.”

\t ”Why tho?”

\t ”You know how annoying King could be.”

”Yeah… Just like you, right?”

”Im not annoying okay!! Im adorable. A-D-O-R-A-B-L-E”