Chapter 66: ‘Surely he has grown up now to absent himself from intimacy with me.’ (1/2)

Translator: Claire.KK

Mu Chen froze stiff while opening the box that Yue Mingze had brought.

Yue Mingze explained, “Sect Master Yu has entrusted me with giving this herb to you for urgent use.”

Mu Chen nodded understandingly, “It seems that Yu Tianyi and you get along quite well with each other since he believes you to supervise the herb.” ‘Yu Tianyi is really effective that it should cost him so short a time to find the herb. I have lost so many years in seclusion. Seemingly it brooks no delay to go to Snow City.’

On hearing that, Yue Mingze consciously swallowed briefly with his eyes flickering.

Mu Chen raised his head and just caught Yue’s subtle motion. He asked confusedly, “What’s up?”

“Nothing!” Yue Mingze shook his head hurriedly.

“Tut! It seems that something bothers you.” Mu Chen’s eyes ran down Yue Mingze with curiosity.

“Actually, I do have something to discuss with Master.” Yue Mingze looked down with shyness while rubbing the teacup with his fingers from time to time.

Mu Chen knew that this small gesture only appeared when Yue Mingze felt disturbed. It had been twenty years since Yue Mingze became the Chief Master. Theoretically, he would have changed this habit. But it was out of expectation that he remained the same, which just stimulated Mu Chen’s curiosity. However, Mu Chen just drunk the tea and looked at the other confusedly, waiting him to continue.

Yue Mingze took a deep breath, pretending to mention it inadvertently, “What do you think of strengthening the bonds between Lofty Cloudy Sect and Ten Thousand Sword Sect by marriage?”

Mu Chen nodded. ‘It will absolutely consolidate the two sects’ positions in the immortal world so others won’t dare to stir up troubles on us in the future. But the marriage will only be effective when the couples are of high status.’

So he just shot his mouth off, “Who?”

Yue Mingze raised his head and answered earnestly, “Me.”

Mu Chen opened his eyes wide with surprise and stretched out his hand to touch Yue’s forehead when Gu Yunjue just walked over and hastened to block Mu Chen. “He is not sick. Master may stop.”

Mu Chen twitched the corner of his mouth, his eyes getting subtle toward Yue Mingze. ‘Then why a healthy chief master wants to marry someone for alliance.’

He asked curiously, while taking a sip of the tea, “And the other is?”

“Sect Master Yu.”


Mu Chen directly spurted the tea on Yue’s face in surprise. At this moment, Gu Yunjue was gathering Mu Chen’s hair with a dark green hairpin. Seeing Mu Chen shocked, Gu put the comb down, took over the teacup from Mu Chen and wiped master’s mouth as well as his fingers carefully with a handkerchief.

Yue Mingze felt speechless at Mu Chen’s reaction while cleaning the water on his face with the handkerchief that the servant offered. Suddenly he felt a chill at his neck. Yue Mingze raised his head confusedly, only to see Gu Yuejue staring at him coldly, which obviously indicated the other’s discontent at Mu Chen’s chock caused by him.

Yue Mingze also felt wronged, complaining secretly, ‘Who thought Martial Uncle would be so surprised. This Junior Brother is more and more unperceivable who becomes even more domineering than Martial Uncle Mu these years. Is that really my misconception?’

Mu Chen was really shocked by Yue Mingze’s decision. Pondering a while, he finally asked, “A mate is not like an article that can be changed after full use. As immortals, you two will accompany each other in the rest of your life that is much longer than that of secular people. Are you sure about that?”

Yue Mingze nodded.

“Yu Tianyi agreed with you?”

Yue nodded but then shook his head, “I haven’t asked him.”

Although Mu Chen didn’t know much about love, he wasn’t silly. He had understood something from the shyness on Yue Mingze’s face. Never had he expected that this Martial Nephew should conceive such a feeling toward Yu Tianyi.

In the previous life, neither of them had married someone or in some dubious relationship as was said. To be honest, Yu Tianyi was also of good morality. If they do love each other, they could make a good match. But now it was still a problem whether Yu Tianyi knew Yue’s affection toward him or not.

After eight years of seclusion, Mu Chen had no idea what the two had experienced. Therefore, he chose to keep a conservative attitude, “Ask clearly about Yu Tianyi’s opinion at first in the name of an ordinary person rather than Chief Master before we make the final decision.”

As Yue Mingze left, Mu Chen heaved a sigh, “All have grown up.”

Gu Yunjue poked Mu Chen’s waist from behind, signing, “I’ve also grown up. Shall we have a talk about ourselves now?”

Mu Chen’s face froze, “One more foolish word, I’ll just kick you out of Lofty Cloudy Sect.” Mu Chen took the herbs from the table and simply turned around, leaving some words before he went out, “I’m going to concoct pills. Don’t bother me.”

“This disciple can help Master to do some legwork.” Gu Yunjue trotted to catch up with Mu Chen.

Mu Chen stopped, “If you do have spare time, you’d better prepare well for our up-coming long journey. As soon as I concoct the pills Yu Tianyi needs, we start off to Snow City for Ice Soul Pearl!”

Gu Yunjue asked thoughtfully, “Only two of us?”

“You want to expose your identity?” Mu Chen turned his head and glared at Gu Yunjue shortly. However, this disciple was taller than Mu Chen now, to which he was quite unaccustomed. Looking up at Gu Yunjue with his head slightly raised, Mu Chen subconsciously squared his shoulders.

Gu Yunjue, however, just saw Mu Chen’s thick long eyelashes from above, which was like a small brush that stoked his heart. Gu Yunjue took a step closer to shade Mu Chen from the sun, smiling, “Or we take several servants? After all Master need others to take care of.”

Mu Chen reached out his hand and pushed this person in his way, refusing him impatiently, “No.”

Looking at Mu Chen’s back, Gu Yunjue couldn’t help smiling. Others always said that Mu Chen was moody and unpredictable, but actually he was easy to be controlled. Since Gu was clear about his disposition, Gu certainly knew how to provoke as well as coax him, so this cold person always presented an expressive face in front of his disciple.

As for the approaching days, Gu Yunjue had high expectations.

Mu Chen surely didn’t know Gu Yunjue’s thought. Arriving at the pill concocting room, Mu Chen summoned out his furnace furiously which fell on the table with a big BANG, ‘Evil disciple! What did he mean by saying I need others’ care? All those years whenever I go out, I ’m all dependent on myself!’

Now he just stood there to block his sunshine. If he could know it early, he should have fed him Retaining-Youth Pills to make him as short as a five-year-old child forever. Little disciple was so cute at five that Mu Chen could coax him in arms like carrying a bunny. Whereas now he conceived licentious thoughts toward his master every day.