Chapter 6 - Meeting (1/2)

”So you'll be off on a contract again?” Peters slightly hoarse voice sounded out as Natasha packed up her stuff and slung her bag over her shoulder. She turned his way and nodded her head. ”Yes, you know consulting work; have to leave the country for a few days.” A slightly look of worry appeared on her face as she continued. ”Watch your back out there.” It was almost unthinkable the cold and calculating Black Widow could mutter such words, but right now she was.

Peter looked up at her and gave a small smile, he hadn't given a full smile in a long time. ”You know me, I'll keep myself safe. I only have to deal with other homeless people stealing my bench. Haha” Peter forced a laugh at the end and Natasha could only shake her head thinking to herself, 'Am I getting too attached to this person? Why?'

Giving each other a small wave Natasha finally started to move off and head towards avengers tower. Peter didn't know what she really did for a living and she had told him that she consulted for some corporation's on business decisions. So whenever her shield missions forced her to leave the country, to take out a target, they would have a similar conversation.

Peter who was waving her goodbye had to stifle a groan as he slowly lowered his arm. He had been a little careless last night and been struck once or twice. With no sleep for the whole night and Natasha on the bench by the time he got here, he had no chance to get a proper sleep. He was dead tired right now.

Peter gazed at the redheads back and thought of the other redhead that used to be in his life. She had left such a long time ago, when was it? Before or after I got my powers, Peter honestly couldn't remember when she had left, but it would have been nice to see a friendly face. But then if she had stayed, would she have died to? It was something he would constantly think about after meeting Natasha.

Shaking his head and moving his body to rest, it wasn't long before he fell asleep.


(10 Years ago)

Peter tinkered with something on his computer as it couldn't be seen what he was doing. If anyone was to stand behind him they would see that he was typing in some type of code. With a small book on 'programming for dummies' off to the side it would surprise most people that a kid at such a young age could understand and program on a computer.

And from the looks of the code that was flying by on the computer screen it was very complicated. A few little notes from a diary page were off to the side as he continued to type on the keyboard, one word could be seen bolded and highlighted in the page. 'Crystal'. He wasn't that fasts because of his size, and he took his time to press each key, but he was steadily working towards something.

Behind him the door was slightly ajar and a couple stood on the other side talking. Every now and then the woman would peek through the crack in the door to make sure everything was alright, of course both of them had no clue what Peter was doing.

”I don't know if keeping him cooped up after what happened is a good idea May” Ben parker spoke to his wife quietly as he didn't want to disturb whatever Peter was doing in his room. It was just recently that his brother Richard and his wife died in a plane crash, and left them with their only son.

He as the brother was distraught over the news and he couldn't imagine how nephew would be taking it. They had tried to soften the blow, but Peter was scarily smart for his age. Ben was sure he would figure out what truly happened after a while. Peter had already become quieter after receiving the news, and now he was keeping himself locked in his room working on something on his computer.

Both he and May couldn't understand what he was doing, but they had left him alone for now the. It was better that he kept his mind off the accident. ”Hush” May who was peeking in the room pressed a finger to her lips and turned to her husband. Turning back to look through the crack in the door she stayed like that for another few minutes. Finally after a while and seeing that peter wasn't going to do anything but type away on his computer she turned back to Ben and they walked down stairs.