69 party favor (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 61730K 2022-07-22

The city lights passed by in a blur as Jos leaned against the window, her mind vigerously working through what was to come. She meant what she said, as soon as the gala was over she was telling Xavier and thanking him for being a friend before leaving to come home. A light pat to the hand she had balled into fists in her lap brought her attention back to the now. She glanced up at Arei question in her eyes, but he was focused on the road his hand merely resting on hers in what seemed to be reassurance. She began to say something before stopping herself. A heavy blush covered her face as she continued to stare up at him.

Arei laughed as he glanced her way, ”What is it? You have a funny look-” He frowned remembering he was still holding her hand and frowned. ”Sorry, I didn't think... it must be awkward for you, I'm sorry.” He lifted his hand from hers and rested it on the gear shifter instead.

Joslyn's eyes widened farther, ”N-no...” She glanced down at his hand. Her blush deepened as thoughts of all the times those hands had been on her body in the past. The heat in her cheeks was almost unbearable as the whispered words left her mouth. ”I... um... What is...” She stuttered, the words just not wanting to come out.

He smiled and placed his hand back onto hers, ”What is it, kitten? You know you can ask me anything.” His smile fell when he realized the words that were meant to soothe her only seemed to bother her more. Worried he pulled off to the side of the road. He pulled the car into park and turned concerned eyes toward her. He hooked a finger under her chin to bring her eyes back up to his taking note of the heat radiating from the area their skin touched. ”What's wrong? Is it something I said?”

Jos shook her head her gaze frozen on his eyes burning down into hers. She squeezed her eyes tight and blurted out. ”What is your name?” When she felt his hold fall away from her face she risked a peek expecting to find him angry or hurt but instead his hand was at his mouth trying to hide his amusement. She looked away, her brows furrowing in absolute frustration and embarrassment.

Arei let out a masculine snicker before gently pulling her face back around to him, a smile still lit his eyes and turned up the corners of his mouth. ”You don't have to be so embarrassed, it's a logical question after all.”

She interrupted him with an unladylike grunt. She looked away her face still resting in his grip. ”With the things we did together, I shouldn't have to ask... I should already know, don't you think?” The irritation fleed, rapidly replaced by shock as his eyes heated and he increased the pressure of his hold. {Oh shit!} She quickly pulled back out of his reach hitting her head against the window, now very familiar with what that look would lead to.

Arei let out a heavy sigh as he looked out the window as he bit down into the inside of his jaw, fighting the urge to take her in his arms and rekindle those very 'things'. ”Areion...” He whispered in a low husky voice. ”Arei, if you like.” His hands moved to the gear shifter as he tried hard to fight the urge to touch her, to take her away from the wolf and the vampire and any other man...

”Arei...” Jos breathed, finally placed a name with the ghost of her past. She was too caught up in her own thoughts to notice how the single word affected the man beside her.

The tiny whisper from the passenger seat pulled his full attention back to her. He stared at her for several minutes. The golden trim of the black gown accentuated her plump breast. The tiny wisps of hair that had fallen around her face gave her a youthful appearance. His harsh expression softened as he took her in. She wasn't that young girl from all those years ago, she had grown into one hell of a woman. He couldn't help the smile that turned up his lips. {I feel for any poor bastard that has met her or that's still fated to meet her still... because they'll forever be lost to her.} He brushed a hair out of her face. ”What are you thinking, little one?” His eyes softened as she turned toward him.

Jos furrowed her brows, ”It's just strange, I guess.”

He smiled as he brushed another stray hair behind her ear. ”What is strange, kitten?”

Jos's brows came closer together as she tried to explain what she was thinking. ”Finally putting a name to your... well...”

His smile widened as he cupped her cheek, ”My what, Joslyn.” He pushed, knowing good and well it wasn't his face she was thinking of.

Her troubled eyes met his, this time ignoring the heat she saw there. ”I thought it would feel different... that knowing your name would make me hate you more...” Her voice trailed off as she tried to understand her own feelings.

He leaned closer, ”And?”

She glanced down as she answered. ”I don't hate you.” She said, the words seeming like just as much of a shock to her as they were to him.

He held himself back, fighting the urge to take her into his arms and kiss her until 'I don't hate you' turned back into 'I love you'. His throat tightened unable to say a word, instead, he continued to listen to what she had to say.

”I can't really say I still hate Orion either.” She paused waiting on the usual twinge of pain that came from hearing or saying the name but was surprised when it was only a dull ache instead. Her brows pulled together and her eyes closed tightly together. ”I really am sorry, I was stupid... and stubborn back then... and it caused a lot of undue hurt to everyone involved... everyone who has ever tried to get involved with me.” Another tear slid down her cheek.

He carefully wiped the tear away and pulled her close, leaning painfully far over the center console of the car. He pulled her into a tight hug against his chest and kissed the top of her head. ”What did I tell you, no tears. You'll ruin that beautiful makeup of yours.” He felt the soft nod of her head and quickly released her and returned to his side of the car before he lost all control of his will power. He slowly pulled his seatbelt back into place and pushed he car into gear, easing out onto the road before he said anything else. ”I have something I want to show you.” He glanced over to her trying to convey his worry. ”I understand you have something going on with that vamp, and even though you say you'll not be with him after tonight...” the worry was now etched on every inch of his handsome face. ”I want you to know all I know about what going on right now.”

She turned confused eyes his way, ”What do you mean?”

He shot her a glance as he maneuvered the car through traffic, ”I'll explain when we get there.” He pointed ahead. ”See that large parking area over there?” He waited until she followed his finger. ”That's where we are going.”