Chapter 312 - The Gift of Love (1/2)

Strange Love Jacquia_comics 51340K 2022-07-25

”You are simply perfect!” Jamilla cooed as she studied her grandson. ”And you're already sooo big!” The baby let out a giggle as she tugged his toes playfully. ”Tell daddy to stop hoovering and go work on making you some brothers and sisters.”

”Mom!” Rin ġrȯȧnėd.

”What?” Her eyes sparkled mischievously up at him. ”I'm only saying your son is in good hands. You must want some alone time with your wife, yes? It's not like you were able to enjoy much of your marriage before this little guy's entrance into the world.” Her focus moved back to the baby in her arms as she began baby-talking. She tugged his toes again. ”We all know these wittle ones make mommy and daddy time impossible.”

Rin let out another ġrȯȧnėd sigh. ”You're not wrong there...” His attention moved to the west wing where their new rooms were. He moved concerned eyes back to his mother and son. ”Are you sure you'll be alright with him for a little while?”

Jamilla's happy, dancing eyes moved back up to his. ”Of course, son! Go have some fun with your wife while I and this little guy get acquainted.” She bent and tickled the tip of his nose with hers.

”Very well. Just call if you need anything.” Rin said but still didn't leave.

She arched her brow. ”If we need anything I'll simply zap it over, don't worry. Now go and make me more grandbabies!”

He shook his head. ”You're ridiculous, you know that?!”

She sent him a dubious smile. ”Be that as it may be, I'll still be looking forward to more of these.” She said as she lifted Cam's little fists and shook them at Rin.

”Call me if you need anything.” Rin reiterated before disappearing.

Rin's eyes moved appreciatively over Shelly's bȧrėly covered body. Her new lush mom-curves were evident under the thin nightgown and sheet she was covered in. Her brėȧsts had doubled in size, and though her stomach was now flat it still retained a pleasant softness that hadn't been there before. He quickly removed his own clothes and crawled under the sheet with her. His hand swept over the curve of her hip as he brushed his lips across the nape of her neck.

Shelly let out a sleepy mȯȧn as she wiggled against him. When his hand slipped under her gown, she ġrȯȧnėd. ”Um, there's no use. The baby will just wake up.” She mumbled sleepily, feeling his bȧrė skin against the back of her thɨġhs.

”The baby's with mom.” He whispered against her neck as he nudged her thɨġhs apart.

Her eyes bugged as she remembered where they were. She quickly turned and pushed Rin away. ”No! Not here! I... I don't think I can here...”

Rin could read the fear in her eyes and didn't push any further. He brushed her long bangs away from her face. ”Alright, love...” He rolled onto his back tugging her down beside him. ”I have a birthday surprise for you... If you feel ok with leaving Cam here with mom for a few hours.” He said softly as he stroked her hair.

Shelly nodded. ”O...ok...” She let out a long sigh. ”Rin... I... I'm sorry... I know how much your parents mean to you. I love them as well... And I know how much you love this place... but... I just can't bring myself to forget what happened.” She could feel tears burn her eyes as anxiety clamped down on her ċhėst.

Rin turned to face her. ”It's fine, Shell.” He brushed back her hair away from her face as he studied her powder blue eyes. ”What do you say we get ready and have some birthday fun... then we can talk more about this matter afterward.”

A frown curved her lips. ”I... guess...”

He smiled warmly down at her before giving her a kiss and sliding back out of the bed. He held his hand out to her. ”Do you need a shower or anything before we leave?”

She shook her head. ”No, I had one before we left last night. How about you?”

His smile widened. ”No love, I took one while you were sleeping.” He watched as she made her way over to the luggage he'd brought from Jos and Arei's place this morning. ”Dress warmly.”

She arched a brow. ”Where are we going?”

He walked over and plucked a sweater and jacket from the wardrobe. ”Somewhere beautiful.” He chuckled as he watched her curiosity build. ”Just don't expect it to be above the fifties if we're lucky.” He watched her in amusement as he pulled on his own clothes.

Shelly let out a low groan when her eyes met Rin's. The long moss green open-front sweater, tight white tee shirt, and even tighter burnt orange pants made him look both distinguished and sėxy all while still being warm and comfortable. ”You suck.”

He chuckled. ”What have I done?”

She narrowed her eyes and puckered her bottom lip. ”You could wear a used trash bag and still be hot... I look like a cow in the few clothes that do still fit me!”

A smile curved his lips as he pushed up off the bed and made his way over to her. He tugged her crossed arm loose and held her hands. ”What would you like to wear?”

She shrugged her shoulders, still pouting. ”I don't know... I don't even know where we're going.”

He couldn't help the smile that curved his lips. ”Then would you like me to dress you?”

She sent him an awkward smile. ”Maybe...”

He chuckled. ”Close your eyes.” He tugged out his phone and did a quick search. ”Hum... This looks like you...” He snapped his fingers. ”Something is still missing... Don't look yet.” He flipped through the images a few more seconds before finding what he was looking for. With another snap, he said. ”Perfect.” He gripped her shoulders and carefully turned her to face the floor-length mirror. ”Alright, you can open your eyes.”

Shelly studied her reflection. He selected a burgundy loose-fitting, long sweater with some kind of soft, short cream laced dress underneath. Her eyes moved over the thɨġh-high brown velvet boots. ”Is this alright for where we're going?”

His smile widened as he met her troubled gaze in the mirror. ”It will be perfect.” He twirled her back around to face him. He bent and gave her a lingering kiss. He waited until she'd closed her eyes before snapping them to their destination.