150 Case Closed (1/2)

Within minutes, the sleek yet metal reinforced carriages of Black Securities came rolling forwards, driven by tamed equine monsters that would have been deadly threats had they been wild and loose on the streets.

In response to the sudden movement, the squadron of Lysian knights started to surround the entrance to the Flagon, their swords drawn and their silver armor glinting under the lantern and torchlights of the building.

Seeing this, the knights of Black Securities dismounted and came out their carriages, filing into orderly rank with their weapons unsheathed but not pointed towards the Lysian knights. The vampire knights had concealed their redden eyes and pale skin, but they did not hide the fact that they towered over the regular knights in height and brawn, their magically enchanted armor shimmering with magical energy where the Lysian knights' armor was distinctly mundane.

Several knights struggled to keep their mounts calm, a few of them getting knocked off horseback as their horses eyed their wilder and more monstrous relatives with terror. The knights that surrounded the door themselves did not seem to fare much better mentally, obviously feeling some trepidation as they gathered into a loose ring-like formation, their shields raised far too high and their swords held far too low.

It would be very apparent that Black Securities had quite the reputation for power in Riviera.

Meld strode out the door and unleashed a commanding voice. ”Stand down and clear the path!”

As her voice rung outwards, the knights hurriedly broke rank and streamed out of the way like a parted current. The Black Securities knights also withdrew, pacing back to the carriages without wasting a single breath and escorting a small crowd of farmers out. They were a motley group of all ages and builds, but generally speaking, the ages leaned towards the older side.

Li noticed that the older the farmers were, the more likely they were to have had signs of farming - calloused hands, ruddier, tanned skin, fingernails cracked and healed over so many times that the indentations had become part of their very structure. The younger ones, however, had no such signs to them, and that was reasonable – it was the older generation that had personal experience tending to the land; the new had lived in the city their whole lives.

”Farmers?” commented Meld as she stood aside, letting the vampire knights lead the farmers in as an orderly single file line.

”You can tell?” said Li.

”Signs of manual labor upon their hands and skin. Advanced wrinkling from exposure to constant sunlight. Builds and musculature developed towards swinging and pulling which I have observed primarily among those that labor with the earth.”

But at the same time, Meld made no indication that she had caught on to anything. Or perhaps she was pretending? Regardless, the situation was like that of the duchess. If they did not infringe on his activities much, he would prefer to focus on himself rather than running around swatting down flies.

”Not too impressive,” said Meld. ”Anyone that has tread my footsteps would have developed such a skill out of necessity.”

”Quite a modest view for a hero.”

”Perhaps.” Meld unconsciously touched at one of the bandages on her back. ”But I suppose I am more human than most heroes.” Her face tilted a little, her angle of vision going up to look at the vampire knights. ”Black Securities. Most interesting. I presume you have a good relation with the company?”

Li nodded. ”The count that owns it has taken quite the liking to me. He likes the foreign knowledge and experiences I bring, and I have to say that he is very much a devoted scholar. In that way, we are quite alike.”

”I was right to think you were a scholar.”

”And what signs did I give off for you to reach that conclusion?”

Meld thought about it for a few seconds. ”No substantive signs. Simply a hunch, really, based on your eyes. They are always thinking. Like those of a scholar I used to know, though I suppose that is too limited a sample size to base my observation upon.”

”Well, you'd be right. Though right now, I'm a farmer.” Li shrugged. ”But still, a scholar just like me? Would be interesting to meet someone like that.”

Meld gave off the very slightest sign of a frown, her lip quivering ever so slightly. So slight of an instant that had Li not possessed superhuman senses, he would not have caught it.

”Unfortunately, they have passed,” said Meld, her voice the same collected tone as ever. She went inside the Flagon, her line of sight as analyzing and focused as ever.

Because the beastwomen had packed the first floor and trashed it, the farmers had to be escorted up to the second floors which were residential rooms, but thankfully, they had been temporarily cleared out due to Launcelot's efforts beforehand.