Chapter 47 - The Mulan Kingdom. (1/2)

The shining yellow sun started to rise from the ground. It filled the sky with its mighty brilliance. It was bright and mesmerizing as though it was inviting people to stare, to look at its brilliance.

Under this magnificent yellow sun, The west gate of the Mulan kingdom capital city was wide open, with more than five hundred soldiers gathered there to maintain order.

The streets have been washed clean and cleared up, aside from that, all the homeless and beggars that used to hang out at the gate at this time were either sent away or apprehended.

Currently, the Royal family cavalry was arrayed in perfect formation and wore their best armor as they gathered outside. At the leading position, the Crown prince Roman accompanied by a bunch of high officials were standing at the gate, personally waiting to receive the incoming distinguished guest.

Today the Crown prince was dressed in official clothing as usual, but they were his finest. He had a slight smile on his face as he stood there waiting for the guest.

Behind the soldiers, there was a gathering of Mulan citizens who were watching in curiosity. They did not know who was coming that made the royal family have such a parade, but one thing was certain, that person must be very powerful because not even the 3rd prince of the Mighty Nicholas empire received such a welcome when he first came three years ago.

Time passed, minute after minute. By the time the sun rose high above the sky, The welcome party had waited for quite some time but there was still no sign of the distinguished guest.

” I have a report crown prince, your highness.” A scout from the royal family cavalry rushed towards the crown prince, kneeling down in front of him.

” Speak,” Roman said with a commanding tone. Right now, he was showing his noble demeanor of a crown prince from a huge kingdom.

” Your Highness, The Djage Empire Emissary is about to arrive. Later, should we allow their troops to enter the city as well?”`

” Yes, of course, they can enter with their troops. The Mulan Kingdom is an affiliated kingdom of the Djage empire, they are the ones who truly control the Mulan Kingdom. Our rise and fall depending on them, so how can we leave them at the door.” Answered Roman as he waved his hand.

” Yes.”

Unlike most people, the Crown prince knew who the emissary of the Djage Empire was. The emissary was none other than the legendary 4th prince. These few days, he had been collecting news and information about the 4th prince, his habits, his attitude and his strength. Each of the news described how peculiar and impressive the 4th prince was.

He had no experience when it comes to politic, military, and diplomacy. From what he had heard, he was a battle maniac who loves to train and did not give a rat ass about the throne. Aside from that, he was very loved by the common people of the Imperial capital. He built an Orphanage and took care of many kids. Even though he did not publicly claim it and run it, most people knew that he was the one who built it and funded it secretly.