27 Wave after Wave 2 in 1 (1/2)

<Compressed Plague Wolf>


- Enemies take 25% increased damage within 10 meters

- Enemies within 10 meters take 200% damage and attack speed is reduced by 25%

<Trample>- Rolls over enemies dealing 200% damage to anyone within range

This boss was for sure a raid type boss having amazing AOE mechanics.Raph waved over to lovely running towards the main entrance.As they were on the wall they could see that they had managed to bottleneck the second wave very nicely.”Alright Lovely, we will jump down and pull the boss away from the main entrance to the opposite side of the fort.”

She nodded taking out a rope tying it onto a statue nearby, ”We will need to keep it within range of the archers to lower its health quickly and even then, it might be hard to keep it occupied just the two of us.”

Raph grabbed onto the rope then told Shiny. ”Pull the waves further inside we are going to need some room.The second wave was gone by the time the third hit, the compressed wolf was near the middle of the wave it was hiding in the safest space.

Raph received a message from Yellowpuppy. ”Get ready to pull it out, I'll give you chance.”

Then Raph saw a group of fifty soldiers flank one of the sides of the waves they were quick pulling a good amount of the group. The compressed wolf stayed on target going for the keep but they had managed to pull at least two hundred of them to attack the small group viciously, but they were a step behind managing to kite them very well.

”Go!” A message was sent by Yellowpuppy.

Raph and Lovely jumped down swinging towards the left flank once they reached the ground they saw the horde of monster beasts blocking their way to the leader.They could almost tell the monster beasts were smiling most likely looking at free food just as they were going to jump on them when a wave of arrows hit.Raph and lovely took advantage of this striking down the monster wolves getting closer to the center.After ripping through a couple of wolves they had managed to break through and meet the compressed plague wolf.The wolf turned to attack them Lovely hit him three times twirling in the air most likely from an item skill then moved to escape attaining its aggro.

Raph was clearing the way through the dense number of wolves and badgers. They had managed to pull the boss away from the wave and began to move it towards the south side of the keep.They weren't alone though about one hundred of the wolves came along with them.Arrows rained upon the battlefield targeting the boss specifically.Then just when they got the boss into position, the next monster wave began to appear.This time the monster wave had seven hundred monster it seems the difficulty had gone up.The monster waves this time contained two hundred eagle monster beasts.

The group frantically tried to clear up the remaining monsters on the north side of the keep while there weren't that many left the boss had only taken twenty percent of its health since it arrived creating a problem for them.The south side focused on the beast when it suddenly got a little bit bigger and the aura extended a little bit more.

Lovely and Raph were doing their best to keep it busy hitting it with powerful moves but barely putting a dent on it. Its health pool was quite large.They felt as if they were barely even harming it, but they had to keep it on them it would be disastrous if the boss headed back towards the keep.

”We need to take turns, or else we will be too tired to keep going soon.”Raph said.

”Clear out the remaining wolves while I keep it occupied then.”Lovely said ”Then I'll take a little rest and then you go.”

Raph gave a her a thumbs up then activated tornado kick jumping into the remaining wolves in the south side crushing the first one he met. Then used <spirit tonfa strikes>, <triple leg Strike>, <skrull strikes>, and then he used

to begin with a new area near him. All he could see for a full minute was badgers and wolves he kept striking taking down one after another until he saw a clear field filled with blood and monster cores around him.

That was a bit exhausting, then turned to see Lovely in about the same condition he was in.She had spent all that time dodging and attacking the boss to keep him on her.Raph went over and hit a <Double Spirit Strike> on the wolf's back.It suddenly increased size once again another twenty percent down, it had suddenly become a much easier target for the archers. This was also bad news for Raph and Lovely as it got faster than before.Just like the last compressed wolf they fought the attack and movement speed increased.

Raph let Lovely rest pulling the boss away from her.She took out some food she had saved up and began to eat it recovering some of her missing hit points.Raph on the other hand was around fifty percent of his health down.He activated his ghost drain taking five percent of the boss's health and recovering his full hit points.That was a little broken wasn't it then a warning came up.

<Warning Ghost Drain can no longer be used on this creature>

Yep I thought so, it would be way too good and make it easy to kill boss monsters dealing a quarter of its health in ten minutes.He could have left very weak just by himself, then a loud roar could be heard. a giant badger appeared on the fifth wave.This when the fight began to get tough.


Yellowpuppies troops were pulling monster mobs little by little. One hundred or two hundred here and there, his men were pretty tired from all the running around they were doing.They had manged to hold down very well until right now.They kept up with Yellowpuppy killing most of the fourth wave making them very active.Then he saw the badger appear it seemed very powerful. Yellowpuppy stopped and checked out the badgers move set.

<Tyrant Badger>

<Tyrant aura>- Monster beasts gain 50% attack power and -25% armor within 25 meters

-Makes two swipes dealing 500% damage per hit

<Crushing Maw>- Deal 1500% damage to one target.

It seemed this boss was single target killer most likely a glass cannon.It was actually great for him to take care of.The boss didn't have any AOE attacks, all he had to do was find a way to get that boss to come after him. He sent a message to Rekiller, ”One hundred by yourself, can you do it?”

Rekiller woke up when she received the message. She had been half firing half napping while the fight was going on she was pretty bored shooting from the safety of the wall.Even when the eagle monster beasts appeared she was still a step too quick and knocked them down out of the sky before they could even reach the wall.Now that she had seen Yellowpuppies message she smiled.One hundred monsters that would be too easy for her so she moved to the rope launching an arrow here and there killing eagles until she reached the rope lets make it two hundred.

Then she swung down landing close to the monster horde.A couple of monsters moved at her trying to take her out.She gracefully dodged the attacks following up with her own.Her accuracy was incredible managing to land arrows on the heads on all the monster beasts that approached her.Then she Activated her <Arrow Shower> hitting a strong AOE pulling more of the monsters towards her.She wasn't done she threw an explosive arrow to another group of monsters getting their attention.When it seemed around a hundred monsters were all on her she still continued to pull more and more of them.She was pretty happy to be doing something not just sitting there.