51 Annihilation (1/1)

Rekiller and her group moved through the tunnels taking the long way around, they could hear fighting from time to time then complete silence.Worried she sprinted harder, she knew that it would take some strong opponents to take down her kids which were all there right now.They had managed to take out two groups of ten people who had come this way to sneak up behind Robert's group.Although that would be hard to do the caverns twisted and turned down here and they had been exploring this area for a day or two trying to map it but it was tough enough to find your way out of here.

Rekiller steadied herself finding another group of players, they were surprise to find such a large group come bearing down on them.They seemed to have a good thirty people this time around, rained down upon the group slicing through the front line then she moved like flowing water striking at the enemy while moving too quick for them to launch a strong counter.Her group had also begun to rain attacks down on the small group of cultivators.With surprise at their side and such devastating attacks landing on the opposing side the group of cultivators lasted less than thirty seconds. They did not let one single one escape even though some tried to run Rekiller shot them down before they could take more than five steps.

The group continued forward bumping into smaller or a little larger group until they eventually found their way to five people running hard, it was Rob and the others.They had appeared from as if by magic before they turned a corner, Rob had managed to see them but did not stop their sprint running making a slight deviation towards them at full speed.One of the young boys with him stopped and stared in disbelief as but it was just for a second getting pushed by her daughter dragging him whispering something at him.They didn't make any sound as they headed to meet up with the other group.Rekiller finally got a good look at Rob's group they were drenching in sweat and looked quite tired.Just as soon as Rob's group had grouped up with Rekiller's about fifty different experts came out.No expecting a large group to appear ahead of them, they caught off guard and getting half of their number annihilated in just a few seconds.


Shin stood in the middle of his men, with an annoyed looked he was rather mad right now they had about eighty men left and would no longer send out anymore to scout.How had this happened they only needed to get rid of five lousy cultivators and yet they were the ones on the ropes right now.All that was left now was to retreat and hope the rest of their plan would succeed.He couldn't believe that they were cornered so badly in such a short amount of time.The biggest problem was they couldn't find a way out of here now, looking over to the next tunnel he hoped they wouldn't bump into the group.Apparently, the group of five was no longer alone they had grabbed some reinforcements, where they had come from? This was a shock to Shin and to the rest of the group.

As their group of experts twisted through the tunnels Shin couldn't help but wonder how they had contacted their friends.He had grabbed items to stop communications between players in the game it still baffled him.His group continued to try and find a way out until they met up with a dead end.

”SHIT!!”Shin yelled turning to see a group of people coming towards them.He was at the fifth stage and so were a couple more in this group so they should be able to take care of them.Shin soon came a across an older man Throwing kicks at his opponents knocking them up then landing a strong combination finishing off his opponents before they could even hit the floor.Shin advanced activating his technique hoping to catch his opponent off guard.Right before he struck his opponent he felt a weightlessness suddenly come upon him.The middle aged man had swept his footing right under him.In a second, he was flying in the air right towards a knee.His vision blurred right after as the knee strike landed on him.

He soon felt four more leg strikes land on him, how?How had this person been so much faster than him?Weren't they supposed to be fifth stage experts?They seemed as if they had already crossed over to the second realm.Shin fell to the floor trying to move despite his body having sever bruising.He hot back up slowly but soon a kick to the face landed and all went black.

Shin woke up to find himself tied up hearing voices, they seemed to be angry asking something he couldn't quite put his finger on?His head was still ringing and every time he shifted, he could feel a rolling wave of nausea overcome him.His head was pumping blood so loudly all he could do was groan.Soon everything seemed a little bit clearer and he saw someone coming towards him.

”Let's ask this one now that he has come to.”Said the young man he had been sent to kill. The young man grabbed him lifting his body then smashing him into a nearby wall.He once again felt the sharp pain in his head returned it took a little while for him to get back to normal.

”Why did you come after us?”