33 Trials of Merlin Part IV (1/2)

”Easy Cat, I need this money so I can't share it with you!” Kaine said as he took off running as fast as he could, Black Cat gave chase as she meowed before saying, ”Come back my treasure, don't run.”

Kaine started to really push himself, when he felt his foot slip, ”Wait a moment, I don't slip!” Kaine thought as he placed his webbed to a nearby and pulled himself far away from Felicia's bad luck.

Felicia purred, ”Spider-Man!? Didn't know you were into robbing crooks, does your girlfriend know about this?”

”Lady, I'm not Spider-Man!” Kaine said as he removed his cloaking tech, and showed himself to Black Cat, ”Not a Spider-Man? Then what's with the outfit? You certainly seem like Spider-Man to me, although I dig the new colors,” Felicia said eyeballing the cash.

”I'm Scarlet Spider, have similar powers to the guy, but trust me, I'm a lot meaner than my counterpart.” Scarlet Spider tried to web away when Black cat shattered his webbing with her claws and said, ”Stealing from bad guys is my thing, but since your new here I'll only take half.”

Kain laughed as he dropped one of the duffle bags, ”Take it, just leave me alone.”

Felicia smiled as she approached the bag, seeing that he wasn't making a move, she smiled and picked it up. After picking it up she walked towards him, and got up close to his face, ”Your right your not Spider-Man, he looks a bit shorter than you, and I have to say...”

Felicia placed her hand on Kaine's chest and said, ”I like what I see.”

Kaine webbed over to a nearby building and said, ”Stay away from me Cat, I'm a monster.” Kaine pulled himself away an zip webbed over to another building, as he disappeared into the distance, Felicia smiled and said, ”I think I found something fun to play with.”

Kaine went out to find a hotel to rent while he searched for a way back to his universe. Unfortunately Kaine had never heard of or meet Doctor Strange, so his best bet was with the Fantastic 4, but for now, he would find a place to rest, he had just finished fighting off an army of Carnage Clones, made by what he believed to be the God of Symbiotes which in reality was The Redeemer a powerful god-like being from the Micro-Verse.

After finding a Hotel to crash in, he laid down on his bed and stared at the ceiling, ”Maybe this isn't so bad, not like anyone will miss me, and in this world, there might not even be a Kaine, maybe I could start over.”

As he fell asleep the Venom Symbiote that followed here was desperately searching for a place to give birth, the Symbiote after merging with Kaine who then transformed into the 'Other' gave it a surge of power that began causing the Symbiote to split, ”Must find a worthy person, can't end up evil, don't want it to be evil.”

Venom felt itself growing weaker, without a host, it would soon die, however, if it bonded during its mitosis, it would put to much strain on the host, so in order to find a warrior and a kind person he headed to a police station, ”Come on dad! I'm going to be late for work.” A young blond who looked around 18 or so stood in front of a police cruiser.

”Hold on Gwen I'm coming, just give me a moment!” George Stacy turned to the officer he was speaking to, ”Anyway, I'm glad to see you're doing well Officer Watson.”

MJ's father smiled, ”Yeah, AA meetings help, thanks for referring the group to me, Captian.”

George laughed and patted him on the shoulder before he said, ”We've all been there before, sometimes you see some pretty bad things on the job if you want I can even find you a good therapist to talk too.”

”Thanks, Captain, but the AA meetings should be enough. That and my daughter slapping me really gave me a wake-up call.” The two shared a laugh, when Gwen shouted, ”Dad!”

George turned his head and shouted, ”Alright I'm coming, see tomorrow officer, Watson.”

”Good night, Captian.” The two parted ways and drove off in different directions, Gwen completely unaware that a spawn of Venom had latched itself to the bottom of George's police cruiser. Venom watched as the drove away, ”Hopefully it will have a chance for redemption.” Venom then went off in search of a host of his own, only two people came to mind, Flash Tompson, and Eddie Brock.

Gwen's dad had driven her to Horizon labs, and as she stepped out and gave her dad a kiss on the cheek goodbye the new Symbiote had crawled inside her backpack and nestled inside waiting for the moment they came into contact. Venom had originally intended for George to fuse with the Symbiote, but Gwen was the first one to exit the car.

After headed up to her lab and working tirelessly she took a break in her office to get some sleep. As this happened the Symbiote latched onto her and fused without her even noticing. She woke up hanging over a building on a strand of her webbing. As she stared at her reflection she tilted her head, and looked over the pitch black Spider-Man suit with white spider symbol on her chest.

”Am, I dreaming!” Gwen was one of the Spidey couple's biggest fans, she even was on a pre-order list for new plushes of the two when they came out. The suit responding to her surprise dropped and began webbing across the city, ”Wa~it!” Gwen shouted as the rush of web-slinging took her to new heights, her speeds peaked at maximum velocity as she fell towards the ground and started swinging of her own accord, she started laughing, ”This is so fun!” Gwen shouted as she headed back towards her lab.

Along the way, a certain Peter Parker in Spider-Man uniform was eating at his favorite hot dog stand. ”Joe you make the best dogs in NY.”

Peter pulled out a 20$ bill, ”Too much Spidey, besides I told you, Spidey People eat for free.”

Peter smiled and said, ”No can do buddy, the more money I give you the better you food gets, besides if you start saving up, maybe you could buy a restaurant.”

Joe tried to give the money back when Peter saw something that almost made his jaw drop, Gwen zip passed them making Peter push the bill into the owner's hand and chew down the rest of his hot-dog before giving chase.

Peter shot after her and sent a message to MJ, ”Hey MJ your Symbiote didn't spawn a new one did it?”

MJ quickly responded all the way from the Himalayas, ”What are you talking about Tiger?”

”I'm looking at a Symbiote who's not you!” Peter replied.

”Need some help?” MJ asked.