130 Different Game Plan (1/2)

While everyone fell into a deep sleep,

Judge Ramirez immediately gestured for Anthon to come over. He led them inside the house.

”Anthon, forgive me for not treating you well.. It's all part of the plan. I tricked Phyllis to trust me and hand the boy over to me. I told him that if he would keep the child himself,he would be easily traced,being the suspect of Jia's loss. He knew that Jim may run out of patienceanytime and would report him to the authority. He,perhaps, considered that and he agreed. ”

Anthon gaped in being greatly surprised. He really did not expect that something like this would happen.

”I cannot allow Phyllis to have hisways. How could I allow my own family to fall into his wicked plans?It's a shame to be his cousin.”

”Judge,thank you so much. How could I face the parents of Jian if anything would happen to him?”

”Aren't you Jia's relative? ” Judge Ramirez looked at him in the eyes.

”No.I am a family friend,Jian's godfather.” Anthon lied at him.

Judge Ramirez no longer had time to talk further. While he was talking,the men in black overall jacket spread into the area. Three men approached them directly.

”Judge..” One of the men slightly bowed at him to show his respect. The two others who followed pointed their guns at their heads.

”Go, follow them while the tea is still in effect.. ” Judge Ramirez looked at Anthon who was carrying Jian in his arms. The message in his eyes was asking for his trust.

”Thank you, Judge. ” He looked at himgratefully before turning his back to follow the men in black uniform.

Anthon did not understand what was happening already. This was never a part of their initial plan. He only grasped the idea that they were allowed to escape by Judge Ramirez. So that Bryan,who participated in their game,would also be out of blame. Another thing he also suspected was,perhaps, Judge Ramirez informed Jim about his plan to reroute Jian's abduction and the latter organized this team to pick them up. Perhaps, Judge Ramirez feigned a support to Mr. Wayne and the latter disclosed his plan to him. And perhaps,that was why Mr. Wayne himself took part in taking Jian up because he wanted to personally take the child to him.

He knew,beforehand, the stand of this judge when he ordered Jim to proceed with the marriage annulment. They had talked about it when he went over to meet Jia and Jim to discuss about the escape plan for Jian. The abduction must take place to deceive Mr. Wayne . The evidence they got on the negotiation and payment also need an enactment of the kidnapping itself. But their escape plan andexit route was totally different.

As soon as they were out of the house,some of the menwho searched out the surroundings encircled about them and pointed out their guns. Another two men walked beside Anthon and aimed their guns at his head.

Around hundred meters from the beach, hidden by tall shrubs and trees by the roadside, was a grassy plain. A black helicopter was looming in the dark. The men who walked ahead of Anthon headed towards it and the whole team followed. Soon, a man hurriedly descended from the access ladder, approached Anthon and grabbed Jian from his arm.

”Anthon, thanks God it's all smooth.” He said while gently taking over the child in his arms. Then,with one hand holding Jian,his other arm encircled Anthon's shoulder to hug him.

”Jim? ”