Chapter 39: President Xi is very worried (1/2)

Bloodfang grinned and roared at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang frowned.

[Superior sense of smell] What Ye Yang brings is not only the sense of smell far beyond ordinary people, but also the extreme sensitivity to various irritating smells...

Damn, I almost stunned the little master.

Quickly kill the matter.

I have to pretend to be forced later, and I can't miss the business.

Ye Yang took a deep breath and rushed with his fist.

Boom boom!

The farmer smashed three punches, but they were all evacuated by Bloodfang Wolf.

Ye Yang frowned.

All right, Coyote, very flexible.

It seems that you can't deal with you unless you do something awesome, can you?

Ye Yang suddenly changed his fist into a palm, and at the same time stepped on Ling Bo's microstep, his figure instantly became even more elegant and agile than Bloodfang Wolf.

Swimming in Bagua Palm!

On one side of Ye Yang's figure, a palm of 11 thousand kilograms was cleverly printed on Bloodfang Wolf's waist.


The Bloodfang wolf screamed, and there was even a visible depression in the waist.

At the same time, Xi Yuhu rushed to the open space below the Spirit Beast Hill as quickly as possible.

”Well, are there any student casualties? Are there any students missing?” Xi Yuhu said with a sullen face.

This kind of thing happened right after he took office. If he can't solve it properly, it will really slap him.

Xue Wei said, ”A girl named Lu Xiaowan disappeared from Class 7 of the second year.”

Many students were taken aback when they heard this name.

Lu Xiaowan! The goddess of Class 7 in the second year, with a high-value appearance, good study!

The goddess is missing?