Chapter 573: Kunlun Ruins (1/2)

”Ye Yang, I know what you want.”

”Perhaps you don't know what Beilian University was built on.”

Ye Yang raised his head to look at the middle-aged man, ”Oh? What is it?”

Yao Yixin stared into his eyes and said, ”Kunlun Ruins!”

Hearing these three words, everyone present had very different reactions.

Fan Zhongning and He Xiang didn't react much on the surface, but their eyes shot disdainful eyes, as if they had guessed that Yao wanted to talk about Kunlun Ruins.

Yang Yan frowned slightly. Yao Yixin was not too embarrassed due to the friend relationship, but his eyebrows also revealed a kind of disdain for Kunlun Ruins.

The teachers around were suspicious, wondering what Kunlun Ruins were.

Ye Yang alone, his eyes lit up for no apparent reason.

Of course he knew what Kunlun Ruins were.

This is one of several ancient relics that have long been discovered and unearthed on the land of China.

It seems that the Ministry of Government was able to be established from scratch because it was the first to discover the Kunlun Ruins and unearth many treasures and ancient martial arts.

What's more peculiar is that there are a lot of martial arts with different attributes and different paths in this ruin.

There are members of the King Kong Invincible Sect, as well as those of the Dragon Tiger Beast King Sect.

There are those with yin attributes, and there are those with yang attributes.

There are even the martial arts of evil spirits and the martial arts that hurts one thousand enemies and hurts oneself eight hundred!

This Kunlun Ruins is like a hodgepodge of many ancient sects.

Ye Yang is interested in it, in fact there are some information he has obtained.

Up to now, he has gained many disciples of the ancient sect.

Some sects, such as the Immortal Yin Puppet Sect, have even gained the highest status as true disciple.