Chapter 1020: I have thirty million demon! (1/2)

The demons are stronger.

Can we keep it alone?

Fan Yixiao glanced at Ye Yang.

Ye Yang understood, and said loudly, ”I'll face them!”

After speaking, he jumped to the top of the mountain gate.

”I will let everyone know that using demons against demons is the best way!”

After that, he stomped on the soles of his feet directly and came to the wilderness outside the sect alone.

”Use demons to fight demons? Isn't that the side door of Immortal Yin Puppet Sect?”

A voice sounded among the disciples.

Not only him, but other disciples also have such ideas.

Although Ye Yang had shown great power before, killed the middle-aged man who had invaded Wei Tianyi's soul, helped the mansion to fall and turned the tide, but this kind of rebellious remarks still made them suspicious.

After all these hundreds of years have passed, what the Zongmen has been propagating is that demons cannot be tamed.

Evil demons can never be used, they will always be malicious towards the human race.

They came to the inner world from the outer world, just to assimilate this world into a part of the demon realm.

Fan Yixiao pressed his hands falsely, motioning for the disciples to be quiet, and then calmly said, ”Ye Yang's demons are very loyal to him. This is what I saw with my own eyes. Everyone will wait and see.”

The invincible ancestors all spoke.

Naturally, there is nothing to argue about.

And since Ye Yang dared to face the vanguard of evil spirits alone.

Naturally it also has its own hole cards.

Otherwise, no one can rush to die.

That kind of person has been eliminated in the course of hundreds of years.

Everyone gathered around the mountain gate, looking forward to Ye Yang.

But even if the invincible real person said so, there was still a faint suspicion in their hearts.

After all, the Immortal Yin Puppet Sect has tried for hundreds of years, but has not been able to completely tame the demons.