Chapter 10 (1/2)



Yujo’s eyes burst open and she frantically sat up.

Where was she? What happened?

She had woken up late the night. The pale moonlight shimmered from behind the layers of curtains. The room was large. The moon created patterns on the ivory floors as it shone through the designs of the lattice window.

This room didn’t even compare to her room at Princess Yeowa’s residence. The ceiling was high, and the furniture was dark and intricately carved. They didn’t seem feminine at all.

What happened? Just where was this place? Yujo looked around before quickly looking down at herself. Her body had been washed clean and now smelled faintly of perfume. Only a nightdress made of rich fabric covered her body right now.

As soon as she lowered a foot from the bed, she felt a faint ache from within her body. That’s when Yujo recalled how she had been embraced by a man underneath the sunlight.

What did I do?

How could she have given her first time to a man whose identity she didn’t know?

And she’d basically seduced him as well. She was naked in his arms and even pulled him down to her!

She was crazy. She’d gone insane! She needed to escape. She didn’t know where this was, but she needed to get out as soon as possible!

She quickly got to her feet and began to run when she saw a shadow at the window. She stopped in her tracks.

He was standing underneath the pale moonlight.

He wasn’t wearing anything on his head, and his long, black hair was flowing down his shoulders. He merely looked out at the view of the city of YeonSung underneath the black night sky.

Like ink, the moonlight poured over his head and traveled down the robe that was lightly draped over his body. He held a long sword in both hands.

His eyes lowered to the sword in his hands, and they were incredibly dark. The aura around him was heavy.

She forgot about escaping and merely stared at him.

She only needed to take one more step. She could still make her escape.

But for some reason, she couldn’t leave.

“What’s going on?”

She couldn’t help but ask.

Her voice startled him, and he turned around. She couldn’t believe that he hadn’t sensed her waking up. What was he so lost in thought about?

“Ah, you’re up?”

He grinned at her as if nothing was wrong.

But she felt that his smile was a lie. The face that had been illuminated by the moon just now… What was that?

“Where are we?”

“My house.”

“You have a lot of houses. Land in YeonSung is quite expensive.”

“I’m rich.”

After replying, he entered the room, placed the sword down, and closed the window.

“Why don’t you sleep a little longer?”

“…I slept a lot. And…”

She needed to return now. She left the princess’s residence with no explanation. Right about now, Princess Yeowa’s residence was probably in complete chaos.

But more importantly, she had lied to him. She needed to escape this man as soon as possible. Yujo bit her lip before speaking.

“I need to go back.”

When he heard her words, he gazed at her. His dark face carried no emotion.

“Go back? Where?”

Yujo laughed awkwardly.

“My house. How is Princess Muyeo? Is she safe?”

This time, he didn’t reply. Then he turned his head and spoke in an indifferent voice.

“She’s safe… for now.”

‘For now’? What did that mean? But he didn’t elaborate. Instead, he approached her and put his arms around her before pulling her against his chest. It was almost as if he wanted her to soothe him, so Yujo didn’t try to move out his arms. She didn’t know what his face looked like right now since he had buried it against her neck.

“I really need to go now.”

“Don’t go anywhere.”


She really couldn’t stay any longer.

Yujo tried to take a step back, but he tightened his arms around her.

“I don’t want you to go. I won’t let you go.”

Yujo’s body stiffened slightly at his childish words.

Get yourself together, Yujo!

“No, I really need to…”

The rest of her words were buried inside his mouth.

Her head tilted backwards. His arm that was wrapped around her hips tightened its hold, and the soft cloth of her clothes wrinkled underneath his grasp. Yujo wasn’t wearing anything underneath her nightclothes. The same went for him.

His hot, hard staff was already erect. When Yujo felt it pressing against her, she moaned.

“Forget all of it, just for now.”

His lips whispered on top of hers. His eyes twinkled with mischief and a strange darkness. Yujo looked into his eyes and hesitated.

“Forget YeonSung.”

Then he smiled down at her and swallowed her lips once again.

Underneath the pale moonlight, the two of them held onto each other and shared each other’s lips as if they were dancing. Because of his tall height, Yujo’s head was tilted back to accommodate him, and his body was crouched over her as he plundered her lips. Yujo was also sucking on his lips.

Suddenly, they heard a loud bang as they bumped into something. It was large dresser. Thankfully, there were no decorations or ornaments on it. If it was holding any porcelain, it would have shattered on the floor by now.

However, the man lifted her up and sat her on top of the dresser. Yujo let out a cry of surprise, but he had already placed her on top of the dresser that came up to his hips.

“What are you doing?”

Despite her protests, he moved the skirts of her nightdress to one side and opened her legs. Yujo swallowed her groan. The moon was now at his back so she couldn’t see him very well. However, he was able to clearly see the sight between her legs.


He ignored her and placed one of her feet on his shoulder.

“You’re lovely.”

He only said those words before he lowered his head between her legs.

This unfamiliar room became blurry. An incredible pleasure rocked through her body. Yujo covered her mouth to keep the moan from spilling out.

The man was a beast. He ruthlessly opened her legs and buried his lips between her thighs without mercy.

Yujo didn’t even know something like this existed in the world. She twisted her body in shock, but he was holding onto her hips, so she couldn’t move.

Before she understood what was happening, his tongue plunged into her. He parted her hidden lips and pushed through her entrance.

Yujo struggled to lift her two hands and tried to push his head away from between her legs, but it was all in vain.


We shouldn’t be doing this. But she couldn’t reject the sweet, unimaginable pleasure rolling through her body.

On top of the dresser, her shoulders and a round breasts were exposed. Her nightdress was now bunched up at her waist.

Her hollow stomach and bellybutton. Her white thighs and slender calves. His eyes were filled with the glossy thatch of hair between her legs.

His thick, red tongue pierced through the thatch of hair and pumped into her. Yujo’s body initially stiffened, but with the continuous attack, it wasn’t able to calm down.

“No, please… Please…”

She didn’t know what she was begging for, but something took over her body once again. Her toes stiffened. She writhed and struggled on top of his shoulders. Her entrance clenched at some unknown hunger.

Yujo was afraid of this strange desire. Had she lost her mind? How could she tolerate such an act like this?

“Haagh, haa, please stop.”


“Enough, please.”

She couldn’t take it anymore. She couldn’t endure the embarrassment of enjoying something like this. Her whole body was flushed with confusion. Even as she pushed him away, she wanted more.

As if making fun of her contradictory desires, he laughed. He greedily pushed his tongue through her entrance and sucked. Yujo cried out and covered her face. Her face was covered, but she couldn’t stop the tremors from running through her body.

She stretched out her hand and tried to push him away again. However, he merely brushed her hand away. She could hear the sound of his slurps below.

When she heard those sounds, another wave of tremors rolled through her. She turned her head and tightly closed her eyes. Because the room was totally silent, these strange noises sounded even louder to her ears.


Fireworks exploded in her eyes.

White pleasure spilled out of her. Within his tight grasp, Yujo lost herself to a climax brought on by his lips.

Suddenly, her fluids drenched her entrance as well as his lips. The man laughed in satisfaction and sucked on her sweet sap.

Yujo was completely limp and spread out on the dresser. The man stood up and looked down at her. Her fluids began to pool on the dark Japanese cedar wood of the dresser.

She was more beautiful than any ornament he could have put on the dresser. He wanted to keep her like this forever.

Her eyes glared at him with reproach. Garan ignored it and lowered his lips onto hers.

He began to suck on her cherry lips. His lips tasted fishy and thick. Their fragrances were mixed together.

He placed a kiss on her forehead before looking into her eyes. He grinned down at her before softly sucking on her lips once again. Then he whispered to her.

“Eat mine, too.”



He dragged her off the dresser and lowered her to the floor. Her eyes widened in shock as he pressed his stiff erection against her lips. She now realized what he was asking for and shook her head.


“Grab the root.”

He ignored her and brought her hand to the base of his cock before wrapping her fingers around it. After he put it between her lips, he began to slowly thrust in and out. He was being sucked into her soft, hot mouth.


“Suck it like candy.”

When she heard his instruction, she gathered her lips together and began to use her tongue as if she were sucking on a piece of candy. A tingling zing of pleasure ran down from his spine to his hips.

The moonlight shone down on her lips sucking on his cock and traveled down her white body. Her black hair was twisted in his hand. Unable to withstand the approaching climax, Garan pulled out of her mouth. He grabbed her shoulders and brought her up.

“I have a better idea.”

“Stop it.”

He ignored her wary voice.

“You suit this room very well.”

Something didn’t feel right. Yujo struggled to stay on her feet, but her legs went limp. As she began to stagger, Garan took off her nightdress and threw it on the floor. Then he turned her around.


She wanted to ask him what he was doing. However, he bent her down and put both of her hands on the edge of the dresser. She was filled with a sense of dread.

She could feel him pressing down against her back. His hands grasped hers on the edge of the dresser. She felt a shiver run down her back.

His blunt, hot cock pressed against her bottom. Yujo straightened up in shock, but his hand bent her back down.

“Stop it. It’s scary.”

“It’s not scary.”


“I’m only entering from behind. That’s all.”

As he said these words, his cock plunged into her.


She felt as if she were being split in two.

“Aagh! No! It’s too big!”

Big. It was too big. It didn’t even compare to how it was when she first took him in. At her words, he slightly pulled out. However, it didn’t end there. One of his hands traveled around her hips and began to softly rub her clitoris.

“It’s okay. You can do it.”

No, she couldn’t.

She wanted to ask him to pull out. But he pulled out before plunging back in. Little by little, he thrust in deeper and deeper. Yujo moaned and did her best to relax.


In the end, she gave up and pleaded instead.

“Okay, slowly.”

His voice was low and raspy.

Garan did his best to restrain himself as he thrust into her in little increments. He knew she couldn’t take any more than this at the moment.

However, he couldn’t control himself. Her drank in the sight of her slender back underneath the moonlight. His eyes traveled down her back to her bottom. Then to his own cock being swallowed by her body. He had reached the limits of his self-control.

Go easy on her, Garan.