38 ? Just a Business Deal | Jester Yuan POV 3 (1/2)
Three days have passed since I accepted the invitation letter that was sent by Young Miss Ming. Tonight will be the night that I'll be meeting her, for the very first time. For the past years I have never been bothered meeting up people that I personally don't know, but tonight everything seems different.
I have nerve wracking moments and I can't stop thinking about what's going to happen tonight. I can't stop thinking about how she's going to look upfront or as to how I'm going to react when she's in front of me. I've been formulating different scenarios that might occur in this meet up.
My brain is naturally workaholic, but tonight isn't just about a business deal. Heck! We're gonna be talking about marriage and family. Or is it even possible for the both of us to create a family?
Could it be one that I knew of? A marriage that was purely business and a family that lives up to the expected societal representations; and it might be a family brought for the sake of name and sustainability of each others party. Created without love.
A marriage bounded to bloom a good and a healthy relationship; that leads to building a family strengthened by love?
Is love even possible to occur along the way?
Am I even capable of loving a person?
I don't know, but the possibilities are endless.
I can never count the chicks of a hen if the eggs haven't hatched yet.
I can never state a promise that I can never fulfill.
I can never judge the book by its cover.