9 Christanos arrival (1/2)

CROSS Vincetamor 21330K 2022-07-22

Cold silence was looming in the car. Everyone was expectantly looking at Romano's reaction.

Romano had hated Christano with all his blood and heart. He was his number one rival, and it was because of him he lost his girl.

He had beaten the shit out of Christano after the truth had come out. Literally beaten him plump, broken bones and nose.

And just now when he was about to mend things with his girl, this man was back.

He was back to compete him.

This time he will not let him win.

He will win her again by hook or by crook..

He punched the door aggressively. ”I'm going to kill him.”

”How can he afford bodyguards?” Deandre said in obvious distaste.

”Well wasn't his company liquidated recently?” Lucas said with a confused look.

”What was his company's name?” Watson asked.

”History Limited” Orlando answered.

”It deals with shipping of diamonds.” Lucas said with a sigh.

”Dealt! It's liquidated now!” Romano said in a very dangerous tone.

”Woah! I wasn't even aware about his company” Deandre mentioned.

”Ben, Miss Olivia resides on the first floor. Good, you can see it... great I want you to record it live... I'll see itin my phone... Also I want the guards to block every exit, if his bodyguards are there knock them out!” Watson commanded his beta team leader.

”Always a step ahead, man!” Orlando punched Watson's shoulder playfully.

”Someone's got to be the rational one in the squad!”

”Heyyy!!” instantly the others prostested.

”Can we please focus on Olivia...”

”Romano hold your dick! You haven't met her, yet your cock twitches in response.” Deandre smirked.

The rest snickered.

”His cock was busy with a bimbo few hours back, I wonder what Olivia would make of that..” Watson grinned evilly.

”You wouldn't dare!!!! We'll see when we meet Crystal.... I would love to see your badass clingy ex beating the shit out of Crystal.”

”Don't dare bring up that ex, she was just a big mistake, that cost me Crystal. I will fuckingly give Olivia the whole list of women you have slept with.”

”Are we playing Blackmail, Blackmail game?” Deandre asked feigning innocence.