Chapter 65 (1/2)

Breaking The Day 唐川 29970K 2022-07-19

Chapter 65

Choosing A Cultivation Partner

Li Chengfeng was dumbfounded His mother's words had made him question his entire life

What if he had two souls?

If he was the reincarnated immortal, then ere the memories he had from the modern world? If he wasn't, then why did he have inexplicable powers?

Everything was a mess

He spaced out for a while, then smiled bitterly “Mother, if I really am the reincarnated traitorous io to the Spiritual Mountain Sect The palace had given a kill order If my identity was found out, I'm afraid…”

Madam Xie shook her head “No, it's the opposite I initially wanted to use ancestral prayers as an excuse to leave Cheng'an and Spiritual Mountain Sect but after thesewe hurt Sun Boren I was asking you, have you noticed that Uncle Kun hasn't been around?”

Li Chengfeng's asped, “Mother… you mean the Spiritual Mountain Sect is already secretly suspecting us?”

She nodded “If Uncle Kun returned safely, that would mean they do not suspect us However, he hasn't returned This is a terrifying e!”

He now coh “I understand now We er's presence! It's the last resort”

Chengfeng was a resilient person Afterthe decision, his hesitation and fears disappeared “Now that they're already suspecting us, then I'll just be extra cautious when I enter the sect But, are you sure I'll definitely get in?”

The Spiritual Mountain Sect only held entry examinations once a decade They werestill doubted himself

Madahtstand and opened a save it to him

He was astonished when he recognised what it was “The Spiritual Mountain Sect's golden invitation? You got it from Sun Boren?”

She nodded “If you want to enter the sect, you'll have to bring this along and look as righteous as you can, as if it was your right Plus, you'll definitely pass the initial ceremony with the invitation, you won't be eliminated that round”

He took it righteously, “We deserve this anyway!”

They had paid ten years' worth of offerings, of course they did! The poor treatment was ridiculous, plus the jerk had insulted his ht about how the jerk's eyes had literally been burned off He'll let Sun Boren go if they ever uy was already blind

However, the jerk probably would not recognise him anyway, because he did not have eyes!

Li Chengfeng and Madaly

“Mother, I still have two requests”

She looked at him “Is the first one related to Zhao Xiaobao?”

He nodded “Xiaobao has been with , he's basically my brother I cannot let him live outside, homeless Mother, please show mercy He has been a loyal servant, let him return”

She sighed “I'll get soe'an City, the place ere supposed to go to, so he could eh I hope he's alright”

“I knew you were a kind-hearted person! It was all part of the plan, right?”

She smiled “You're smart! What's the other request?”

“I want Su Yuehan to accompany me to Spiritual Mountain Sect”

“What? You want a handmaiden to be your cultivation partner?”

He nodded, a determined look in his eyes

She scolded angrily, “Have you fallen for her?”