Part 18 (1/2)

Command William McFee 60970K 2022-07-22

Spokesly's heart sank.

”Come here!” he shouted, beckoning.

”What's the matter, Mister?” said the ap.r.o.ned one, climbing up the abominable ladder with its stairs of iron rods. Mr. Spokesly's heart rose again.

”You English?” he asked.

”Sure, I'm a French Canadian,” retorted the other. ”What's the matter?

Are you the new mate?”

”Yes,” said Mr. Spokesly. ”I'm the new mate. Are you the bosun?”

”Sure I am,” said the other indignantly. ”What did you think I was? The cook?”

”Now, now, cut it out,” warned the new mate. ”I've had all I can stand just for the present. How many men have you got?”

”Three. How many did you think I got? Thirty?”

”Bosun, if you want it, you can have it, but I tell you straight you got to help me get this s.h.i.+p clean.”

”Sure I will. What did you think I was doin'?”

”Send a man along with a bucket of soft soap and water,” said Mr.

Spokesly hastily. ”I'll go round with you later.”

”Where's that other mate?” asked the bosun, rather mystified.

”Over the side,” said Mr. Spokesly, pointing.

”You seen the captinne yet?” the bosun pursued.

”Plenty, plenty. Send a man along.”

Mr. Spokesly turned and to his intense astonishment found Captain Rannie in the saloon.

”Why, where were you all the time?” he asked.

”In my cabin,” said Captain Rannie, staring at the floor nervously. ”I must say you make noise enough when you join a s.h.i.+p.”

”Well, Captain, I'll argue all you want later. Where's the medicine chest?”

”In my cabin.”

”Then you'll have to give me the run of it to stop this bleeding. Got any friars' balsam?”

”I--I--I'll see. I'll see.” Captain Rannie objected to be approached directly. He was already beginning to wonder, after listening to the very emphatic remarks of his new chief officer through the bulkhead of his cabin, if he had not made a mistake in demanding a change. Very unsettling, a change. He went downstairs again and unlocked his door. It had three locks, Mr. Spokesly observed in some surprise. After opening the door, Captain Rannie stepped through and quickly drew a heavy blue curtain across.

”I'll bring it out to you,” he said from within.

Mr. Spokesly dragged the curtain back and stepped in himself. He was indignant at this extraordinary treatment. He was astounded, however, to see Captain Rannie shrink away towards the settee, holding up his arms.

”Don't you dare to touch me!” he shrieked in a very low key. ”Don't you....”

Mr. Spokesly suddenly caught sight of himself in the gla.s.s across the room. He was not a very rea.s.suring spectacle. His face was dirty and blood-smeared, and his collar was torn away from his throat. He closed the door.