The I and the Impaired Hero
The deht off the hero After a long grueling fight I finally won against the hero But soe happened After he had defeated but not killed the hero the holy sword floated up and stabbed the hero in the chest and then immediately disappeared And this isn’t the only time it happened Every hero after that that wielded the holy sas killed by it iThe de thisHe tried different ways to save the heroes fro the sword but that was i the sword but it always kept disappearingHe tried telling the heroes the truth about the sword but most won’t believe himAnd those that did believe hi watched this go on for nearly 500 years repeatedly And with each hero he defeat he gets stronger and stronger to the point where no hero can beat hiotten so powerful that the holy sword can’t even hariven up on life and tried to kill hi he had achieved pseudo-immortality and even he couldn’t kill himselfSo for 500 years he was continually tor from himIt took his friends, his fa sits in an e for the next hero to coirl came to his castle… without the holy swordShe was apparently a newly summoned hero that wasn’t deemed worthy by the swordThis was the happiest ’s life