Part 12 (1/2)

”Excuse me?”

”I said-” I stepped towards her, but Gage pulled on my arm.

”Whoa. Come with me.” Gage didnt even look at her as he pulled me away.

”What the wrong with you?” He asked as soon as the door closed.

”Why does she think she can touch you? Why are you protecting her?”


I shook my head at his attempt to play dumb. ”Yes, Cherry. Unless those other girls are touching you too, then Id ask the same thing about them.”

”She didnt touch me.” He stepped closer to me. ”You dont need to be jealous, babe.” His hand went to my hip and I stepped away.

”Then fire her. I dont like her.”

He narrowed his eyes. ”Are you drunk right now? Whats going on, youre being irrational?”

”Dont even go there. I havent drank anything.” But I had to admit there was truth to his words. I felt it. I was being crazy, but I couldnt hold back the emotions. ”I just dont trust her.”

”But you trust me, right?” His eyes widened as he stepped close again.

And I stepped back, till the wall had me trapped. ”What if you hadnt seen me? Would you have pushed her away?”

”Of course. Babe, you know its you I want. Its you I always want. Calm down.” He reached me and gripped my shoulders in his large, strong hands. ”Didnt these past couple of days show you that?”

”I dont know.” I couldnt speak or breathe. I was shaking, tears filling my eyes, unable to stop any of it from overflowing.

”Yes you do.” His voice was dropping, trying to soothe, rea.s.sure.

”I know something is going on with her. And I dont want her around you.”

”What do you think is going on?” His patience was wearing thin, anger lacing his words.

My chest was heaving, trying to keep down whatever was swirling in my stomach. ”I think she wants you. And I think youre helping her.”

”Keep going.” He was no longer touching me, standing rigid, inches from me. ”What else do you think?” Something about the way he sneered the question fed my anger.

”I think you like to play the hero a little too much.”

He barked a laugh, no humor in it at all as his hands moved to his head. ”So now youre mad that I helped her. Youre being a b.i.t.c.h.”

”And youre being a coward. Answer my questions. What is going on?”

”I think youre on some hormonal s.h.i.+t and need to go have your period or something.”

”f.u.c.k you.” My initial white-hot anger crashed to ice cold as his words sunk in. My period.

I bit back my words and leaned on the wall behind me, closing my eyes to his accusing glare. I never had a regular period since I was on the shot, but I hadnt even spotted in a while. The shot. When did I last have it?

Everything was spinning, the room a torturous carousel. I opened my eyes and reached for my phone. ”I need your charger.”

Gage gave me a look like he suspected I really had lost it.

But I walked to his desk and retrieved it. My phones calendar would have the answers, but it was supposed to alert me when I had to get another shot too. It was in the summer, I knew. I just didnt know which month. Please let it be August.

”Are you feeling okay? You look pale.”

Looking at him only spooked me more. My stomach finally reached its limit, and I threw up in the trash bin under his desk.

13: Wrong.

MY STOMACH TORE AS IT EXPELLED EVERYTHING in it, which wasnt much. The act itself was quick, but the horror hung in the air around me, holding me down, and I couldnt bring myself to look back up. My heart lodged in my throat.

”Here.” A water bottle was placed in my hand, and then Gage crouched beside my chair, rubbing soft circles on my back. ”Youre sick? You should be at home resting.”

I swished the cool water in my mouth, rinsing it of the acid taste before I spit into the bin, but it didnt rid me of my thoughts that were choking out everything else. I gave a small nod of agreement as I sat up in the chair. I was sick. That was all.

The back of his hand rose to my forehead. ”I dont think you have a fever, was it something you ate?” He glanced at the bag of food I brought for our late lunch.

”I dont know,” my voice was as hollow as I felt, and I closed my eyes as nausea crept back into my stomach.

”Aw babe, let me take you home.” He gripped my hand and slid his other arm around my shoulders, bringing me to stand with him.

”My phone.” I swiped it off the desk and slid it back in my pocket. Id charge it at home. I needed to get home, to think. To figure this out.

”Do you feel like youll get sick again?”

I paused, considering. I felt shaky, but wasnt going to throw up again. ”I can make it home.”

We walked out his office, and he stopped to scan the s.p.a.ce. A few of the girls were on stage practicing; Cherry and Ian were seated at a table in front of the performers. Her feet were perched on the edge of his chair, and he pulled the end of one of her pigtails as she laughed.

”Ian,” Gage yelled across the room, disrupting their conversation. ”Follow me to my place. I have to drive her home but need my car.”

Seeing Cherry reminded me that Gage and I had been arguing before.

”Are you going to be back for the meeting?” She kicked each leg high as she brought them off Ians chair and he stood up.

I went rigid at the mention of the meeting. Why would he talk to her about that?

”You can start it if everyones here.” Gage tightened his arm around me and walked us away.